Registrations in the urn:mace:shibboleth
The Shibboleth project administers a Uniform Resource Name (URN) namespace supporting the assignment of parameters for use by the Shibboleth software package itself. This page lists registrations in the urn:mace:shibboleth
Name | Reference(s) | Comment |
1.0 | Shibboleth 1.0 architecture spec | Namespace stem for initial versions of Shibboleth-specific schema |
2.0 | Shibboleth 2.0+ software | Namespace stem for schemas introduced in V2 software or related to them |
3.0 | Shibboleth 3.0+ software | Namespace stem for schemas introduced in V3 software or related to them |
arp:1.0 | Shibboleth 1.0 architecture spec | Initial version of Shibboleth Attribute Release Policy schema |
resolver:1.0 | Shibboleth 1.0 architecture spec | initial version of Shibboleth Attribute Resolver schema |
metadata:oidc:1.0 | Shibboleth metadata extensions for OIDC | Namespace for OAuthRPMetadataProfile |
1.0:attributeNamespace:uri | SAML 1.1, section | SAML attribute namespace in which attribute names are URIs |
1.0:nameIdentifier | SAML 1.1, section | SAML NameIdentifier format for Shibboleth "handles" |
Cantor, et al, "Shibboleth Architecture DRAFT v05", Shibboleth project, May 2002.
Maler, et al, "Assertions and Protocol for the OASIS Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) V1.1",OASIS, May 2003.