Shibboleth Knowledge Base
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How-to articles
Amazon Redshift ECP Plugin for JDBC
Amazon Redshift ECP Plugin for ODBC
REST API for Amazon Web Service Credentials
Grouper Integration Example
Logging Inside IdP Views
Disable use of IdP internal encryption key
Manage or Disable IdP Metadata Publishing Endpoint
Apache Tomcat logging with Logback
Running the IdP on Jetty behind Apache httpd
Using Kerberos keytab to authenticate LDAP resolver with idp 4.0.x
Cross-origin AJAX requests for Shib-protected resources
Using SAML Proxying to another IdP
Using SAML Proxying in the V4 Shibboleth IdP to connect with Azure AD
SAML Proxying EntraID / Azure with the Shibboleth IdP
Switching locale on the login page
Example 4.1 Upgrade
Adding arbitrary attributes to the audit log
Migrating a Windows MSI instance to another server
Moving away from StoredID
IdP Key and Certificate Management
Translating a objectGUID from base64 to friendly format
Integrate with Duo Passwordless
Precollection of Username During Authentication
Custom admin flows
IdP Authorization and Enforcement
Impersonation Managed By Grouper
Supporting the REFEDS MFA Profile (V4)
Supporting the REFEDS MFA Profile (V5+)
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Shibboleth Knowledge Base
Grouper Integration Example
Grouper Integration Example
Scott Cantor
Owned by
Scott Cantor
Last updated:
Oct 30, 2023
7 min read
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