

The IdP's Attribute Resolver performs three main tasks: pulling in data from external systems (e.g., LDAP directories and relational databases), creating attributes from the pulled in data.

Attributes and Encoders

An Attribute, within the IdP, is a protocol-agnostic data structure that contains:

  • a unique (within the IdP) identifier for the attribute

  • a set of localized names that can be displayed to the user

  • a set of localized descriptions that can be displayed to the user

  • a set of values for the attribute

  • a set of encoders that can transform the attribute in to a protocol-specific representation

For clarity, by protocol-agnostic we mean that within the IdP there is no special implementation of an Attribute for each given protocol supported by the IdP. For example, there is no such thing as a "SAML 2 Attribute" within the IdP. In a bit we will discuss the encoders used to transform attributes in to their protocol-specific formats.

Resolver Components

The attribute resolver is made of three different components: data connectors, attribute definitions, and attribute encoders. We'll cover each of these in turn.

Data Connectors

Data Connectors are used to pull in the raw information that will be made in to attributes. This information is often, but not always, pulled in from external systems like LDAP directories or relational databases. The result of a data connector's work is a collection of attributes that have an identifier and some values.

Data connectors also have a concept of a failover data connector. This is another data connector that is executed in place of a data connector that fails. For example, an IdP may have a local copy of an LDAP directory to ensure especially fast read times. However, the data connector hooked up to the local LDAP may specify a failover data connector that connects to the centralized LDAP if the local one is down.

Attribute Definitions

Attribute Definitions, at a minimum, associate encoders and display names and descriptions with an attribute. Most attribute definitions will also perform some form of transformational logic on the attribute's values. For example, an attribute definition may evaluate a regular expression against an attribute's value and replace the current value with only the portion that matches the regular expression.

It is important to note, only those attributes which are processed by an attribute definition are ever released outside the attribute resolver. Anything else is simply considered internal, to the resolver, information.

Attribute Encoders & Decoders

This section is now of historic interest only.

These functions are now performed by the Attribute Registry

We've mentioned Attribute Encoders a couple of times now. These components, as their name probably suggests, are used to encode attributes in to a protocol specific representation. As such they also contain any of the protocol-specific identification needed for the attribute. So, for example, a SAML 2 encoder would provide mechanisms for setting the attribute name and format and contain the logic necessary to produce the XML structure required by the SAML 2 specification.

This division between attributes and their encoded forms means that the IdP can use its resolution, filtering, user consent, and other services for any protocol, even ones added later by extension. So if OpenID support were ever added to the IdP the only attribute-related components that would need to change would be the addition of an OpenID attribute encoder.

Attribute Mappers (or decoders)