

This interface provides a mechanism managing the Account Lockout feature supported by the Password login flow. It allows querying the state of an account, incrementing the lockout count (which could be used to lockout an account administratively), and clearing a lockout.

This is exposed via a simple REST API via an administrative flow located at the path /idp/profile/admin/lockout and access is blocked by default. Like all administrative features, you have the ability to customize authentication and access control.

To the base path you must append a slash, the name of a bean implementing the AccountLockoutManager interface, another slash, and finally the "key" that identifies the lockout record to access. By default this will be a username, a bang (!), and an IP address (unless you customize the way the lockout is scoped).

The default location of the lockout manager bean that is commented out by default is inside the password-authn-config.xml file. If you need to make use of this management API, move that bean (or copy it if you prefer) into global.xml so that it will be accessible to this feature.

Three HTTP methods are supported:

  1. GET – query an account to see if it's locked or not

  2. POST – increment an account's lockout counter artificially

  3. DELETE – clear an account's lockout state

The POST/DELETE operations return a 204 on success, while the GET operation returns a JSON response describing the object queried and the lockout status. An example trace follows (much of the response header dump is elided, this just shows the basics).

The GET operation supports an additional query string parameter (“inexact”) that if set to “true” will pass the queried value in to fetch all of the stored lockout keys that begin with the input value. This can be used to obtain a list of the locked account records that match a given username (in that the full key tends to contain other information).

Example lockout operations
$ curl -ik "https://localhost/idp/profile/admin/lockout/shibboleth.authn.Password.AccountLockoutManager/jdoe%21192.168.1.1" HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8 { "data" : { "type" : "lockout-statuses", "id" : "shibboleth.authn.Password.AccountLockoutManager/jdoe!", "attributes" : { "lockout" : true } } } $ curl -X DELETE -ik "https://localhost/idp/profile/admin/lockout/shibboleth.authn.Password.AccountLockoutManager/jdoe%21192.168.1.1" HTTP/1.1 204 No Content


The general properties configuring this flow via admin/admin.properties are:









Audit log identifier for flow



Name of access control policy for request authorization



Whether authentication should be performed prior to access control evaluation



Whether the flow should allow for non-browser clients during authentication



Whether attributes should be resolved prior to access control evaluation

To replace the internally defined flow descriptor bean, the following XML is required:

<util:list id="shibboleth.AvailableAdminFlows"> <bean parent="shibboleth.AdminFlow" c:id="http://shibboleth.net/ns/profiles/lockout" p:loggingId="%{idp.lockout.logging:Lockout}" p:policyName="%{idp.lockout.accessPolicy:AccessDenied}" p:nonBrowserSupported="%{idp.lockout.nonBrowserSupported:false}" p:authenticated="%{idp.lockout.authenticated:false}" p:resolveAttributes="%{idp.lockout.resolveAttributes:false}" /> </util:list>

No default version of the list is provided and it may simply be placed in conf/global.xml if needed.


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