

File(s): conf/cas-protocol.xml

Format: Native Spring

The issuer certificates of end-entity certificates used to secure proxy endpoints can be registered by loading the PEM-encoded certificates on the IdP filesystem using the following configuration snippet found in conf/cas-protocol.xml:

<!-- | Define the list of static certificates that you trust to secure CAS proxy callback endpoints. | Typically these are CA certificates and apply to _all_ CAS proxy callback endpoints. | This facility complements the capability to supply relying-party-specific certificates in SAML metadata, | which is the preferred mechanism to specify CAS proxy trust material. In the case of metadata, self-signed | certificates are recommended. --> <util:list id="shibboleth.CASProxyTrustedCertificates"> <!-- <value>%{idp.home}/credentials/your_ca.pem</value> --> </util:list>

The elements of the above list have a global scope such that if any proxy endpoint presents a certificate issued by a trusted issuer, it will be trusted.

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