The Shibboleth IdP V4 software will leave support on September 1, 2024.

How to Run the Testbed in Eclipse with Jetty 10

Works with Eclipse 2019-06 or later

How To Run the Testbed in Eclipse with Jetty 10

1) Install Jetty (download and unpack jetty-distribution or jetty-home)

The version of Jetty should match the jetty.version property in the testbed POM (java-idp-testbed/pom.xml)

The Jetty directory should be set as the jetty.home system property in the Eclipse Launcher when running the testbed's, see Program Arguments below.

2) Clone the java-idp-testbed, java-identity-provider, and java-idp-jetty-base source code repositories as peers in the same directory :

git clone git clone git clone

2b) Optionally, clone additional source code repositories :

git clone git clone git clone

3) Import projects into Eclipse : File > Import > Maven > Existing Maven Projects 

4) Checkout the 10-testbed-eclipse branch of java-idp-jetty-base

5) Assemble third party dependencies by building the IdP WAR and removing IdP JARs :

cd java-identity-provider/idp-war mvn clean package -DskipTests rm target/idp-war-*/WEB-INF/lib/idp-*.jar

Optionally remove additional JARs :

6) Download logging and testbed dependencies and add to the Jetty server classpath :

7) Run the testbed in Eclipse as a Java Application :

In the idp-testbed project, right-click on idp-testbed-jetty-10.launch > Run As > Java Application 

8) Go to the testbed webapp : 




You will probably want to change the root logging level from DEBUG  to INFO  in idp-conf/src/test/resources/logback-test.xml 

Example Eclipse Launcher

To create an Eclipse Launcher manually :

Right-click on > Run As > Java Application 

Eclipse Launcher program arguments :

Program Arguments

Eclipse Launcher working directory :

Working Directory

Example Eclipse Launcher :