SAML 1.1 Browser SSO

The Shibboleth IdP V4 software has reached its End of Life and is no longer supported. This documentation is available for historical purposes only. See the IDP5 wiki space for current documentation on the supported version.

SAML 1.1 Browser SSO

This is the legacy Shibboleth authentication profile consisting of a proprietary request using an HTTP redirect, and a standard SAML 1.1 Response via POST or Artifact.

Profile Workflow

Preamble / Decode / Configuration Lookup

TBD: This should be largely common to most profiles. Probably will factor this into a parent flow.

  1. InitializeProfileRequestContext

    •  bootstraps and assign the profile ID to the flow

  2. DecodeMessage

    • parse the incoming trigger message

  3. WebFlowMessageHandlerAdaptor to run a predefined MessageHandlerChain to process the inbound MessageContext:

    • preliminary message handlers applying fixed message policy and performing SAML metadata lookup

  4. InitializeRelyingPartyContextFromSAMLPeer

  5. CheckMandatoryIssuer

    • do we need this? thinking this just falls out of RelyingParty resolution/selection

  6. SelectRelyingPartyConfiguration

  7. SelectProfileConfiguration

  8. ResolveInboundSecurityParameters

    • TBD, action to resolve protocol signature validation and decryption parameters

Request Checking and Preliminaries

TBD: Message oriented policy likely in the handler chain in the preable/decode step

The SAML 1.1 flow doesn't have much actual request content to check.

  1. WebFlowMessageHandlerAdaptor to run a dynamically determined MessageHandlerChain to process the inbound MessageContext:

    • handlers run potentially based on RP-specific policy configuration

  2. InitializeOutboundMessageContext

    • creates the outbound message context tree by copying SAML peer information via an indirection through the RelyingPartyContext

    • includes basic peer identity and metadata looked up earlier

  3. PopulateBindingAndEndpointContexts

    • creates binding/endpoint contexts in outbound message context tree by feeding the request into endpoint resolution components

    • this is where metadata and the request and the supported outgoing bindings mix into the endpoint calculation or the dreaded "no peer endpoint available" condition

  4. ResolveOutboundSecurityParameters

    • TBD, action to resolve outbound protocol signing and encryption parameters

Authentication Handoff

The details of this process are described on the Authentication page, mainly creation of an AuthenticationContext child context.

  1. InitializeAuthenticationContext

  2. Initializ