The Shibboleth IdP V3 software has reached its End of Life and is no longer supported. This documentation is available for historical purposes only. See the IDP4 wiki space for current documentation on the supported version.
Persistent Id with local databases.
This describes a method that maintains persistent ids in local, independent, postgres databases. Automatic synchronicity is maintained due to each host updating its own database exactly the same for any combination of user and RP. In addition it allows for editing of persistent ids and the association of a persistent id with all members of an RP 'cluster'.
The database consists of a table for relying parties and a table for the persistent id (tgtids).
CREATE TABLE rp ( rpno integer, rpid text NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE ONLY rp ADD CONSTRAINT rp_rpid_key UNIQUE (rpid); CREATE TABLE tgtid ( rpno integer, regid character(32), tgtid character(32) ); ALTER TABLE ONLY tgtid ADD CONSTRAINT tgtid_regid_key UNIQUE (regid, rpno);
and a function that either returns an existing value or a new value
CREATE FUNCTION tid2(character, text) RETURNS character LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_$ declare my_tgtid char(32); my_rpno integer; begin select into my_tgtid tgtid from tgtid,rp where tgtid.regid=$1 and rp.rpid=$2 and tgtid.rpno=rp.rpno; if not found then select into my_rpno rpno from rp where rpid=$2; select into my_tgtid md5(xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx); INSERT INTO tgtid values (my_rpno, $1, my_tgtid); if not found then return my_tgtid; end if; end if; return my_tgtid; end; $_$;
where 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' is some combination of salt, rp and user, e.g. == 'salt1'||$1||my_rpno||'salt2'
Maintenance of the rp table
Any relying party that gets a persistent id in any way must be preloaded into the rp table, and that all hosts must have the same rpno/rpid associations. At UW we have a script that parses the attribute filter file whenever it changes. That's as good a place as any to automate the process.
Attribute Resolver Configuration
The data connector for the persistent id is now a simple relational database connector.
<resolver:DataConnector id="tgtid2" xsi:type="RelationalDatabase" xmlns="urn:mace:shibboleth:2.0:resolver:dc" readOnlyConnection="false" queryTimeout="PT20S"> <resolver:Dependency ref="uwRegID" /> <dc:BeanManagedConnection>EptidDataConnector</dc:BeanManagedConnection> <QueryTemplate> <![CDATA[ select tid2('${uwRegID.get(0)}', '${resolutionContext.attributeRecipientID}') as tid ]]> </QueryTemplate> <Column columnName="tid" attributeID="eduPersonTargetedID" /> </resolver:DataConnector>
and the definition of EptidDataConnector is in global.xml
<bean id="EptidDataConnector" class="org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource" destroy-method="close" p:driverClassName="org.postgresql.Driver" p:url="jdbc:postgresql://localhost/idp" p:username="shib" p:password="xxxxxxxxx" p:maxActive="10" p:maxIdle="5" p:maxWait="2000" p:testOnBorrow="true" p:defaultReadOnly="false" p:validationQuery="select 1" p:validationQueryTimeout="5" />