The Shibboleth IdP V3 software has reached its End of Life and is no longer supported. This documentation is available for historical purposes only. See the IDP4 wiki space for current documentation on the supported version.
Current File(s): conf/authn/duo-authn-config.xml, conf/authn/, views/duo.vm
Format: Native Spring
This feature has been implemented by the Shibboleth Project team using libraries from Duo Security but is not the same as the previously available Duo login flows available from either Duo Security or Unicon. While those implementations remain available and may continue to work, this implementation is the only one supported by the project itself, and the only one that is likely to "fit" into the IdP's MFA support framework.
The authn/Duo login flow is a native implementation of the Duo Security product's DuoWeb authentication interface that leverages an embedded IFRAME. Duo is a popular commercial solution for adding additional authentication factors to existing credentials. It is designed to be used in conjunction with an existing factor, usually a password. It is therefore implemented in a manner that assumes an earlier authentication step has already been completed, and is designed to be used in conjunction with the MultiFactor login flow as part of a combined workflow.
The result of this flow is a Java Subject containing a DuoPrincipal. Note that no actual "username" is produced; it is assumed that one or more other login flows will contribute content to the Subject suitable for an existing subject canonicalization flow to operate on the aggregate result. All this means is that it assumes the Password login flow (or some other traditional mechanism) is used as part of a MultiFactor workflow, and the result will normally be correct.
V3.4 adds support for the Duo AuthAPI in support of non-browser profiles like ECP. Similarly to the Password flow, it supports a set of custom HTTP request headers to communicate factor, device, and/or passcode values from a client to the IdP and the flow will consume them and attempt a native Duo authentication without use of the IFRAME. For normal profiles, the flow will "fall into" the IFRAME UI, much as the Password flow falls into an HTML form, but for non-browser profiles like ECP, the authentication simply succeeds or fails and the result is passed back.
General Configuration
For a typical integration, configuration of the Duo flow itself is very simple: just fill in your Duo integration settings (they're in the Duo console if you have access to it, see below) in conf/authn/ This assumes you have a single Duo integration, which is true for most sites. There are a couple of more advanced scenarios that can be accommodated, and details are included below.
The other important step is to define something to represent this mechanism to the outside "SAML" world as an authentication context class by adjusting the supportedPrincipals
property on the Duo (and probably MFA) flow descriptors in conf/authn/general-authn.xml. There is no "standard" context class (or SAML 1 authentication method) to represent most forms of MFA, and moreover, experience has shown that it's a bad idea to create a strong coupling between applications and the exact technologies that you use for authentication.
As a result, the default configuration contains only a placeholder value to use that you will need to change, but there is currently no standard value to use. One possible choice to consider is a profile under development by InCommon, but your particular deployment may or may not satisfy its requirements. Regardless of specifics, the approach is a good one in general: a generic URI representing the use of MFA.
Whatever value used, in most cases you can simply add it to the flow descriptor(s) where needed, and the Duo flow will automatically contribute that value to the results it builds.
AuthAPI and Non-Browser/ECP Use
To enable support for the AuthAPI in V3.4, you typically will need to define an additional integration in Duo. A second set of properties is supported to allow this.
If you're upgrading from an earlier version, you may want to review and/or copy up the conf/authn/ and conf/authn/duo-authn-config.xml files included in the distribution.
Also, the default settings for this login flow mark it as not supporting non-browser use. This needs to be adjusted by removing the p:nonBrowserSupported
property setter on the "auth/Duo" flow descriptor bean in authn/general-auth.xml. The default was left in place because of the mistaken assumption the existing DuoWeb integration wouldn't allow use of the AuthAPI.
By default, a built-in HttpClient bean is used to communicate with the Duo AuthAPI with fairly vanilla TLS behavior that relies on the system defaults. It's possible to customize this heavily using a pair of beans. More advanced documentation is in the HttpClientConfiguration topic, but an example is included below under Advanced Configuration.
User Interface
The Duo flow normally relies on an embedded IFRAME that points directly to your Duo API host, and a Velocity template (views/duo.vm) is provided that contains the necessary HTML, around which you're free to customize. All of the necessary JavaScript is included with the IdP in a fashion that allows us to update it underneath the template when Duo provides updated versions.
The non-browser variant has no UI and relies on a set of HTTP request headers sent by the ECP client to the IdP server when it makes its SOAP request. Authentication relies on knowing the type of Duo factor to use, the device to use, and occasionally a passcode. Often none are needed and the whole process is automatic (the factor and device are defaulted to "auto"). Specifying a device is generally done using a name the user must associate with the device themselves. Some factors rely on a passcode being supplied, which requires use of the corresponding HTTP header.
The header names can be changed but default to:
- X-Shibboleth-Duo-Factor
- X-Shibboleth-Duo-Device
- X-Shibboleth-Duo-Passcode
Factor is one of "auto", "push", "phone", or "passcode".
Use of tokens is possible if the passcode factor is signaled and the passcode header sent, but the ECP client would have to support that explicitly in some way (or delegate to some kind of header extension option) to make it practical. In general this is really only usable with push. Even then, you have to take into account how often your ECP client connects. SSO is theoretically possible, but in most clients, that doesn't happen and every SOAP request will end up triggering a Duo push, and that can get very annoying very fast.
Advanced Configuration
Username Determination
By default, the Duo flow is designed to operate with a username derived from one of:
- a pre-existing session
- a previously executed login flow
Configuring it to run after a "first factor" flow will automatically satisfy this requirement, and allows you to supply a canonical username from a previous method into the Duo API, which is typically the best approach.
If you need a more flexible approach, you can configure a Function<ProfileRequestContext,String> in a bean named shibboleth.authn.Duo.UsernameLookupStrategy, which can be defined in conf/authn/duo-authn-config.xml.
Multiple Duo Integrations
In the event that you need to support multiple sets of Duo integration parameters, you can implement a Function<ProfileRequestContext,DuoIntegration> in Java or a script in a bean named shibboleth.authn.Duo.DuoIntegrationStrategy, which can be defined in conf/authn/duo-authn-config.xml.
As an example, let's say you want to create a table that maps certain services to a particular integration, and uses a separate default for everything else. You can implement this with a simple map and a script that operates on it.
Integration-Specific Principal Sets
In conjunction with the above feature, you can also cause the resulting Java Subject to carry Principals specific to a given Duo integration, which is useful if you want to segregate the integrations during SSO. That is, given two integrations A and B, you may want the use of A to satisfy a request that would use B, but you may not want that.
By default, since the Principals added into the result come from the underlying login flow descriptor for "authn/Duo", a request that uses either integration will produce a result that will be usable on any later request for Duo authentication. To prevent this, you need to do a couple of things:
- Create a bean in authn/duo-authn-config.xml named shibboleth.authn.Duo.addDefaultPrincipals set to Boolean.FALSE
- Define separate Principal collections unique to each integration and associate them with the Duo integrations you define
Building on the previous example, the following shows how this might look. The approach is different in that the choice of Duo integration to use is implemented by evaluating each one to pick the first one that satisfies the request. This works in conjunction with triggering the integration to use based on SPs requesting the AuthnContextClassRef defined below (or setting it in a relying party override).
Advanced HttpClient Scenarios
As a REST API, the AuthAPI requires an HTTP client to access the API and to secure it. Obviously this is a particularly sensitive API to rely on, and while the defaults should be relatively safe, that isn't a great thing to assume. It would be a sensible thing to explicitly control the TLS verification of the Duo API certificate so that there are no nasty surprises. Unfortunately this creates other maintenance responsibilities; companies like Duo don't think that blindly trusting 100 CAs or more is a problem and they change their CA any time they feel like it. Of course, it is a problem. All we can do is provide the tools to manage this more carefully, but we can't fix the web.
Assuming you want to do this, the following example to place in conf/authn/duo-authn-config.xml will ensure that the root CA used by Duo is a specific CA. It assumes you've pulled down and stored the CA certificate in a file, and it also assumes the subject name Duo uses continues to be the same wildcard, which seems likely. But if they change their CA, as they probably will someday, you won't know and it will break, so if that bothers you, you should speak to Duo about it.
The use of a forward proxy for the Duo HTTP client is also possible:
Additionally, any of the properties of HttpClientBuilder may be used when creating a custom-wired HTTP client instance.
The possible beans expected in authn/duo-authn-config.xml follow:
Bean ID | Type | Default | Function |
shibboleth.authn.Duo.DuoIntegration | DuoIntegration | Derived from settings in | Defines a single/static DuoWeb ntegration with Duo, you can override this bean to supply a non-property-configured alternative |
shibboleth.authn.Duo.NonBrowser.DuoIntegration 3.4 | DuoIntegration | Derived from settings in | Defines a single/static AuthAPI integration with Duo, you can override this bean to supply a non-property-configured alternative |
shibboleth.authn.Duo.DuoIntegrationStrategy | Function<ProfileRequestContext,DuoIntegration> | Optional bean to supply the DuoWeb integration settings dynamically | |
shibboleth.authn.Duo.NonBrowser.DuoIntegrationStrategy 3.4 | Function<ProfileRequestContext,DuoIntegration> | Optional bean to supply the Duo AuthAPI integration settings dynamically | |
shibboleth.authn.Duo.UsernameLookupStrategy | Function<ProfileRequestContext,String> | CanonicalUsernameLookupStrategy | Optional bean to supply username |
shibboleth.authn.Duo.resultCachingPredicate | Predicate<ProfileRequestContext> | An optional bean that can be defined to control whether to preserve the authentication result in an IdP session | |
shibboleth.authn.Duo.addDefaultPrincipals | Boolean | true | Whether to add the content of the supportedPrincipals property of the underlying flow descriptor to the resulting Subject |
shibboleth.authn.Duo.NonBrowser.HttpClient 3.4 | HttpClient | shibboleth.NonCachingHttpClient | Overrides the HttpClient implementation and settings to use for the AuthAPI (see HttpClientConfiguration) |
shibboleth.authn.Duo.NonBrowser.HttpClientSecurityParameters 3.4 | HttpClientSecurityParameters | Custom security settings for the AuthAPI calls (see HttpClientConfiguration) |
The properties defined in conf/authn/ follow:
Name | Type | Default | Function |
idp.duo.apiHost | Hostname | DuoWeb API hostname assigned to the integration | |
idp.duo.applicationKey | String | A secret supplied by you and not shared with Duo; see, "Generate an akey". | |
idp.duo.integrationKey | String | DuoWeb integration key (supplied by Duo) | |
idp.duo.secretKey | String | DuoWeb secret key (supplied by Duo) | |
idp.duo.nonbrowser.apiHost 3.4 | Hostname | ${idp.duo.apiHost} | Duo AuthAPI hostname assigned to the integration |
idp.duo.nonbrowser.applicationKey 3.4 | String | a secret supplied by you and not shared with Duo; see, "Generate an akey". | |
idp.duo.nonbrowser.integrationKey 3.4 | String | Duo AuthAPI integration key (supplied by Duo) | |
idp.duo.nonbrowser.secretKey 3.4 | String | Duo AuthAPI secret key (supplied by Duo) | |
idp.duo.nonbrowser.header.factor 3.4 | String | X-Shibboleth-Duo-Factor | Name of HTTP request header for Duo AuthAPI factor |
idp.duo.nonbrowser.header.device 3.4 | String | X-Shibboleth-Duo-Device | Name of HTTP request header for Duo AuthAPI device ID or name |
idp.duo.nonbrowser.header.passcode 3.4 | String | X-Shibboleth-Duo-Passcode | Name of HTTP request header for Duo AuthAPI passcode | 3.4 | Boolean | true | Allow th |