
The Shibboleth IdP V3 software has reached its End of Life and is no longer supported. This documentation is available for historical purposes only. See the IDP4 wiki space for current documentation on the supported version.


This is the advisory page for Identity Provider V3 releases. For the older V2 IdP or Service Provider advisories, refer to the V2 SecurityAdvisories page.

For IdP V4 advisories, please see the V4 SecurityAdvisories page.

As a courtesy, you can also find Jetty advisories at https://www.eclipse.org/jetty/security-reports.html and Tomcat advisories at http://tomcat.apache.org/security.html

This page provides access to the complete history of Security Advisories released for the Shibboleth V3 Identity Provider and an "at a glance" table showing you which releases are vulnerable to what kinds of issues. If you're running a particular version, you can use this table to identify the issues that could affect your system and determine how urgent an upgrade is. In addition to the announce mailing list, you can "watch" this page for changes to keep abreast.

You can determine the exact version you're running based on the process log during startup.

If you would like to report an issue you believe is security related, please drop an e-mail to security@shibboleth.net

As always, sites are advised to use the latest stable release of any Shibboleth product. Refer to the ProductVersioning page for information about our support and versioning policies. The Home page identifies the specific versions recommended at a given point in time

This page only covers advisories affecting the V3 Identity Provider software. Other advisories are not listed here, but you can find the complete set of advisories in this directory.

Obviously not all vulnerabilities are created equal, and the classifications in the matrices are general in nature, and are meant to point you to the relevant advisories to look into.

A particular version will typically be implicated by any advisories noted for it and for any newer versions above it in the tables.

Advisories noted for "All" versions should be reviewed by all deployers for relevancy to their deployment. Typically this indicates that an advisory is at least partly discussing issues that go beyond the scope of what the Shibboleth software can actually remediate and may affect the deployment as a whole. It does not in general refer to unfixed vulnerabilities in the Shibboleth software itself.

Identity Provider Vulnerability Matrix

The oldest IdP 3 version unaffected by fixable vulnerabilities is 3.4.6.

VersionEOLUser Data ExposureUser Data AccuracySession HijackingDenial of ServiceRemote ExploitAdvisories

X2018-01-23, 2017-05-18
3.4.8Dec 31, 2020


Dec 2020

3.4.6Jul 2020

3.4.5Oct 2019XX
3.4.4Sep 2019XX
3.4.3May 2019XX
3.4.2Jan 2019XX
3.4.1Dec 2018X
3.4.0Nov 2018XXXX

3.3.3Oct 2018XXXX

3.3.2May 2018XXXX
3.3.1Oct 2017XXXX
3.3.0Mar 2017X
3.2.1Nov 2016
3.2.0Dec 2015

3.1.2Nov 2015

3.1.1Jul 2015

3.1.0Mar 2015
3.0.0Mar 2015

Advisory List

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