The Shibboleth IdP V3 software has reached its End of Life and is no longer supported. This documentation is available for historical purposes only. See the IDP4 wiki space for current documentation on the supported version.
Nearly all interaction with the user agent (usually the browser, sometimes a program on the command line) is rendered via the Velocity template engine. This allows significant customizing of the output based on various properties that the IdP (and the Spring framework) make available. Prior to rendering browser pages with Velocity, the IdP makes several Velocity context variables available. Some are available in many views, while some are specific to an individual view (for instance login or attribute release consent).
In addition the Spring framework provides the deployer with the option to use macros. This is described here. Probably the most useful macro is #springMessageText(token,'default value')
, which looks up the appropriate (language specific) message property (in files in the messages directory) and returns that value or the default.
Examples of using variables and message properties can be found in the distributed templates (in the views directory).
Available variables are listed below. Many are advanced and unlikely to be needed by most deployers.
Variables Available in All Templates
Property | Description |
encoder | An HTMLEncoder object (javadoc here). This allows safe HTML encoding of various types. This is further described here. |
profileRequestContext | A ProfileRequestContext (javadoc here). This is primarily used to locate subsidiary contexts: |
environment | The Spring Environment (javadoc here). This will be most frequently used to resolve properties (defined in or other files), by calling the getProperty method. For instanceenvironment.getProperty("idp.whatever","default") |
custom | The Spring bean with id "shibboleth.CustomViewContext ". This can be whatever you define it to be (in global.xml ) |
request | The HttpServletRequest (javadoc here). This is an advanced topic and out of scope for this page. |
response | The HttpServletResponse (javadoc here). This is an advanced topic and out of scope for this page. |
flowRequestContext | The Spring Web Flow RequestContext (javadoc here). This is an advanced topic and out of scope for this page. |
springMacroRequestContext | A help context supplied by Spring. Primarily used to render language specific resources from the message bundles. For instance$springMacroRequestContext.getMessage("idp.message", "An unidentified error occurred.")) |
Variables Available to Password Login View
During password login, the templates login.vm
and login-error.vm
are used and have access to additional variables:
Property | Description |
rpUIContext | A RelyingPartyUIContext object. This object allows language sensitive rendering of specific information about the relying party (logos and so forth). This is described further here. |
authenticationContext | An AuthenticationContext object. This object contains a large amount of information about the state of the authentication process. |
authenticationErrorContext | An AuthenticationErrorContext object. When present (which is only after a previous login error), this provides more detailed information on the failure which can then be displayed. The default views/login-error.vm file demonstrates how the contents of this context can be used to drive language specific message lookup (as in messages/ |
authenticationWarningContext | An AuthenticationWarningContext object. This isn't typically used within this view, but if warnings about account state are detected at the same time an error is also detected, it may be available. |
ldapResponseContext | An LDAPResponseContext object. This isn't typically used within this view, but if warnings about account state are detected at the same time an error is also detected, it may be available. |
extendedAuthenticationFlows | Collection of AuthenticationFlowDescriptor objects configured as "extended" flows callable by the login form. |
Variables Available During Attribute Release Consent
Property | Description |
rpUIContext | A RelyingPartyUIContext object. This object allows language sensitive rendering of specific information about the relying party (logos and so forth). This is described further here. |
attributeDisplayNameFunction | A class (javadoc here) with one method 'apply'. This takes an IdPAttribute (usually from $attributeReleaseContext.getConsentableAttributes().values()) and outputs the DisplayName appropriate to the browser locales. |
attributeDisplayDescriptionFunction 3.2 | A class (javadoc here) with one method 'apply'. This takes an IdPAttribute (usually from $attributeReleaseContext.getConsentableAttributes().values()) and outputs the DisplayDescription appropriate to the browser locales. |
consentContext | A ConsentContext (javadoc here). A context representing the state of a consent flow (current and previous consents). Further information TBD. |
attributeReleaseContext | An AttributeReleaseContext (javadoc here). This can be used to provide an iterable group of those attributes to which consent can be applied via the call |
Variables Available During Logout
Property | Description |
logoutContext | A LogoutContext (javadoc here). This contains information to list the services accessed during the session that has been terminated |
multi-rpContext | A MultiRelyingPartyContext (javadoc here). This allows lookup of the RelyingPartyContext (javadoc here) for each service listed in the logoutContext |
Typically the RelyingPartyContext is further interrogated to get individual rpUIContexts.
#foreach ($sp in $logoutContext.getSessionMap().keySet()) #set ($rpCtx = $multiRPContext.getRelyingPartyContextById($sp)) #if ($rpCtx) #set ($rpUIContext = $rpCtx.getSubcontext("net.shibboleth.idp.ui.context.RelyingPartyUIContext")) #end #if ($rpUIContext) ## Do stuff with rpuicontext - just like the login page #end #end
Variables Available in Other Circumstances
Terms of Use
During terms of use consent the intercept/terms-of-use.vm
view template has two properties available :
- rpUIContext as used in the login case
- termsOfUseId. A ConsentContext (javadoc here). A context representing the state of a consent flow (current and previous consents). Further information TBD.
Locating the OpenSAML EntityDescriptor for the Relying Party
The EntityDescriptor (Javadoc here) is located in the MetadataContext. Finding this requires some navigation:
#set ($outboundContext = $profileRequestContext.getOutboundMessageContext()) #set ($samlPeerContext = $outboundContext.getSubcontext('org.opensaml.saml.common.messaging.context.SAMLPeerEntityContext')) #set ($metadataContext = $samlPeerContext.getSubcontext('org.opensaml.saml.common.messaging.context.SAMLMetadataContext')) #set ($spEntity = $metadataContext.getEntityDescriptor())
Show a particular HTML Element depending on the requesting SP's EntityId
#set ($spEntityId = $profileRequestContext.getSubcontext('net.shibboleth.idp.profile.context.RelyingPartyContext').getRelyingPartyId()) ... #if ($spEntityId.equals("")) <a>particular HTML element</a> #end