

Shibboleth Developer's Meeting, 2024-09-06

Call Administrivia

09:00 Central US / 10:00 Eastern US / 15:00 UK / 17:00 FI

Calls are normally the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month. Next call would be Friday 2024-09-20. Any reason to deviate from this?

60 to 90 minute call window.

Call Details

This week's call will use the Zoom system at GU, see ZoomGU for access info.


  1. Converting our download links to https

  2. Brief? discussion re: lint tooling via Maven

  3. Some sanity checking on my SP session design thoughts










  • Generated several pages of thoughts about how a cpp-linbuild/ECR integration should work. Almost have a plan that seems sane and implementable.

  • https://shibboleth.atlassian.net/browse/SSPCPP-991

    • Looks valid

  • Currently wrestling with Red Hat Developer Program renewal nonsense






  • Busy on other projects

  • Scripting plugin release for latest version Rhino

  • JDBC plugin release for a couple of bugs.

  • Considering a jetty-12.13 msi build


  • Turning around a very small TOTP plugin update

    • Identified a bug in the attribute library targeted at IdP 5.2

  • Work ongoing on SAML assertion consumer service flow based on back-half of proxy flow

    • Per Slack, all but the very final bits have been reused or very lightly adapted/adjusted code from the IdP, I’m up to the “what do I do with the data and what do I send back to the agent” step, which is all new design work.

    • Working assumption is a series of configured subflows that get a shot at handling a request and first one to activate wins and either succeeds or the response fails

    • Each supported binding is its own subflow, and the master flow provides a single response endpoint for all protocols

  • Split off the SAML flows in progress into a new plugin project so base plugin is now protocol-less

    • Creates some hassle in the new agents config file for controlling protocols to enable since we can’t default in any, but the alternative would be to assume SAML or OpenID in the base plugin

  • Some discussion about accepting our Velocity/Spring changes, but not sure it’s going to be worth the bother at this point.


  • Disabled IdP V4 Jenkins jobs

  • Test IdP V5 only with Jetty 12 (not Jetty 11)

  • Added RP plugin test

    • Anything we should test besides proxy authentication ?



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