
Shibboleth Developer's Meeting, 2024-07-19

Call Administrivia

09:00 Central US / 10:00 Eastern US / 15:00 UK / 17:00 FI

Calls are normally the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month. Next call would be Friday 2024-08-02. Any reason to deviate from this?

60 to 90 minute call window.

Call Details

This week's call will use the Zoom system at OSU, see announcement for access info.





  • Absent




  • On vacation, nothing to report.







  • Released RP and OIDC-Commons patches

  • JWEBAUTHN-16: Add auditingClosed

    • Finally finished the auditing support for the admin actions. I need to document the defaults and properties.

      • That is now in the beta

  • JCOMOIDC-115: Update Nimbus oauth2-oidc-sdk into 10.15Resolved

    • Something on the new 3.2.0 commons snapshot is breaking the signature config resolution for the RP

    • Does not seem to be related to the actual purpose of upgrading to 11.11 though.

  • On leave next week, but I do not see any reason not to target V1 release of the WebAuthn plugin (with the current feature set) in the second or third week of July.



  • jetty-base 12 for windows issue bottomed out. Pending confirmation from JISC I may wait for the unpack bug to be fixed before doing the full release

  • Working through the bug backlog in the attribute resolver.

    • Do we think that the data connector cache stats reporting is correct (the metrics are a bit ‘wierd’ for dataconnectors)


  • Bumped main branches for IdP 5.2 development in support of future changes for the SP prototyping work. Will essentially have SP project tracking IdP main for a while.

  • Resumed work on SP with SessionInitiator flow(s) and framework.

    • Noted/realized we don’t have the SP side of ECP implemented in OpenSAML (e.g. PAOS message encoder/decoder)

    • ECP’s typical mode of not knowing the IdP ahead of time complicates the reuse of IdP code due to violating some core assumptions

      • May be worth investigating the demand for the feature (as opposed to on the IdP where it has some amount of use)


  • Progress on Safari integration tests (iOS and macOS) and one test for OIDC

    • uses Let’s Encrypt certs, Route 53 DNS / acme.sh, mod_auth_oidc via Docker, etc.

  • Next : OIDC Conformance Suite tests ? or try to test the WebAuthn plugin ? or ?
