Shibboleth Developer's Meeting, 2022-02-04
Call Administrivia
09:00 Central US / 10:00 Eastern US / 15:00 UK / 17:00 FI
Calls are normally the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month. Next call would be Friday 2022-02-18. Any reason to deviate from this?
60 to 90 minute call window.
Call Details
This week's call will use the Zoom system at GU, see ZoomGU for access info.
Stumbled on a complex set of registration trade-offs after starting on encryption support.
Related is whether we actually intend to support unverified profile configurations, which currently break due to assumptions that client metadata is present.
OSJ-347: Eliminate use of self-hosted MDQ server for unit testsClosed
As suspected, these tests aren’t doing much except checking for a successful fetch. Should we switch to an InCommon target? Do Scott’s changes to proxy port 9000 to /mdq change this at all?
Nothing to report.
JOIDC-72: Expand the set of supported claims in dynamic client registrationClosed
Also related to the patch (3.0.4) released this week: only the desired/supported claims to be stored during the dynamic registration
Deployers can choose e.g. request_uris
JOIDC-21: Use token authentication for OIDC dynamic client registrationClosed
Metadata policy resolution via file or remote endpoint now works
TODO: JWT access token, polishing and unit testing
Continuing to chip away, very slowly, at the spec churn required to add Amazon Linux 2022 support to cpp-linbuild
RP progress
Access Token exchange and verification
Id_token JWT validation hooked up according to spec. One or two things need review.
Transcoders plugged in to map claims to IdPAttributes, but see below for missing functionality.
Work on UserInfo request/response
RP issues/questions remaining
Should we always try to fetch claims from the UserInfo endpoint and aggregate with those from the id_token? or just if enabled in (say) the profile config (or conversely allow to disable in profile config). It is not clear to me from the spec. how you would decide automagically.
Attribute filter - similar to the SAML proxy
Support for authentication request params as requestObjects. Would require a JWKS endpoint if allowing asymmetric keys (and associated key handling).
JWT Decryption support
client_authentication to the token endpoint. Only supports client_secret_basic atm (post not that different, but JWT would be).
JCOMOIDC-41: Move OIDC Signature Validation resolvers and parameter classes to commonsClosed
This would be non-trivial to me, there are plenty of other remaining issues with the RP so happy to add a placeholder action for this and substitute in the TrustEngine validation when complete. (Happy to look at it if needed, but would take some time)
JCOMOIDC-40: Complete OIDCAttributeTranscoder decode values functionOpen - need to add decode logic to convert JSONObjects to IdPAttributes. Long term maybe it could be based on Maps rather than the minidev JSONObjects.
GEN-308: Move maven up to latest versionClosed When do we want to move the lowest version?
Getting rid of internal shib-thirdparty repo / -P centralDisabled
All nightly build do a post build signature check of their local repository check except
XMLSecTool - This uses a more complex (better?) assembly which bring in more stuff. Under way.
IDWSFClient - can we pull this from the night build? (I have keys for it, but why add clutter) Also, it needs totally orphaned not-yet-commons jar
The depcheck projects
jetty94-dta-ssl-nightly, trustany-ssl-nightly disabled. What to do about this.
jetty-base - no nightly build, but the windows variant does have some checking
Anything else?
Need to make sure that
doesn’t import anything else we don’t know aboutAnything else being used during a build?
site site:stage
is used to build site and API docs, not sure if that needs or is part of verification (it passed fine for the last build). Unless a rogue plugin adds some malicious JS to the API docs.
My belief is that with the above bullets fixed/understood/waived we are good to go, Do we agree
Jetty-10 Windows. I’m going to wait until the jetty-base is stabilized and documented and then do the Windows stuff (noting the building the installer also has to change). This means that the current plan is to ship with Jetty 9.4-44. I’m happy with that because we can slipstream out a whenever we feel like it.
JOIDC-11: Support for client_credentials grantClosed
Finishing up introspection/revocation flows and tests
Both legacy and JWT tokens validated with new claims validators
Fixed signature verification to allow for non-JWK credentials
Added compliant client_id claim (fallback to legacy claim name used now)
Flows are usable (with proper authentication) by either the client_id or an audience of the token (original use cases addressed by the former)
TBD documentation and the encryption support plus RP config for whether to issue unencrypted tokens
IDP-1901: Bug with Java 17 due to WarningInterceptClosed
Looks like combination of Spring defect + Java HashMap implementation quirk
Hopefully Spring fix will limit future occurrences
Eclipse and testbed seem to run ok under 17
Jetty 10
Found undocumented but supported request log hook for sending to SLF4J, simplest way to get request logging via logback
We can ship it with either slf4j/logback 1.x or 2.x, our choice
Jetty 10 idp-jetty-base WIP
Java 17 + Jetty tests
Prep to take Nexus off the public internet