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The JarEnforcer is a Maven Enforcer that, subject to configuration, performs the following tests on a distribution's externally-provided (dependency) jars.
Tests that they are signed by a key which is in an appropriate keyRing, failing if any signatures are missing or not resolvable.
This is used to ensure that you are not imposing a supply chain issue upon your customers.
Tests that the version is the one specified in the pom file (because maven’s resolution of dependencies is non intuitive). This fails if versions mismatch, or if artifacts are missing.
As a part of this test it can also do a reverse lookup and provide a trace back to which pom-specified artifact caused a particular jar to become a part of the distribution
Finally it can check the signature of every jar in your local maven repository. This can be used to check for supply chain attacks via maven plugins.
This is done by adding the following stanza to the pom file for the project distribution.
The checkDependencies test will fail for several reasons. In certain circumstances, some strange configurations are required. Whether these start configurations are fatal or not can be controlled by four further Elements. Each element is a boolean (true/false) and defaults to true
compileRuntimeArtifactFatal. Setting this to false allows an artifact to be declared as runtime scope in some pom files and as compile scope in others. As an example, the IdP sets this element to false to cope with the logback artifacts (logback-classic and logback-core)
multipleJarVersionsFatal. If the same artifact (with the same or different versions) is found in multiple places in the supplied distribution the enforcer will fail unless this element is set to false. For example until V4.1.5 the IdP shipped with jcommander in the war\WEB_INF\lib folder and the bin\lib folder.
pomVersionMismatchFatal. If the a declaration of the same artifact carries different versions across the pom files then the enforcer will fail unless this element is set to false. For example in the later V4.1 distributions the version of spring (set in the spring-bim file) is overridden in the idp-parent pom.
distVersionMismatchFatal. If the artifact is the distribution has a difference version to that specified in the pom files then the enforcer will fail unless this element is set to false. I can think of no reason why this might be anything but a misconfiguration.
Decomposing file names, version extensions, classifiers and group lookups
Versions and Classifiers
When the enforcer is traversing the distribution (the tgz or zip file) as part of the signature check, it needs to infer the maven artifact coordinates from the file name. These coordinates allow the enforcer to download the signature (asc file) for the jar.
Thus, given a name such as bcutil-jdk15on-1.70.jarlistenablefuture-9999.0-empty-to-avoid-conflict-with-guava.jar or netty-transport-native-epoll-4.1.75.Final-linux-x86_64.jar it needs to be able to infer the groupId, artifactId, version and classifier. Since the enforcer has already read the project pom (and its parents) it can simply do this for artifacts which are explicitly mentioned. However the enforce does not follow dependencies and so it has to infer the coordinates which are in the distribution as a result of a dependency. To do this it treats a jar name as being made up of 4 parts
A non-optional artifactId, followed by
A non-optional version which starts with a '-' followed by
An optional ‘extension garnish' which starts with a '-’ followed by
An optional classifier which starts with a '-'
The maven coordindates are then defined as being
The artifactId is (1)
The version is (2) concatenated to (3) with the initial hyphen removed.
The classifier is (3) with the initial hyphen removed.
Thus in the example above a correct split would be
Given that all identifiers can contain hyphen tt can easily be seen that, it is impossible to deconstruct the name mechanically and the enforcer requires guidance. This is provided by the <versionExtensions/> and <classifiers/> configuration elements. The text content of these elements is a space separated list of names (with the leading hyphen). So, in order to get the decomposition above you would need the following
There is no mechanical method of determining the groupId from a file name. Instead the enforcer relies on a property file which is distributed in the enforcer data jar at location net/shibboleth/mvn/enforcer/data/ Appropriate additions for the above example would include
The jar file referenced by the dataGroupId/dataArtifactId/dataVersion coordinated contains three sets of data used by the enforcer. These are all contained below the net/shibboleth/mvn/enforcer/data/ directory.
A file called artifactMap.propertieswhich contains the mapping from artifactid to group. This is used where jar files are encountered which are not explicitly mentioned in the parent pom (see above).
A directory called localsignatures which contains a series of files whose name is of the form artifactId-version.jar.asc (e.g. antlr-2.7.7.jar.asc) these being signatures on the respective jar files. This is a fallback for when jar files have been publish with no signature. Such signatures should only be added if the jar file has had independend verification
A directory called keyRing which contains a series off keyrings and which is described below.
Configuring keyRings
Signature checking is done against a series of (GPG) keyrings in the net/shibboleth/mvn/enforcer/data/keyRings subdirectory of the jar specified by the dataXXX maven coordinates in V3 and the enforcerData path in V2.
Each keyring contains all the public keys which are trusted to validate the signatures of all artifacts with that groupId. The name of each key ring is the groupId with suffix .gpg. As an interim step in keyring deployment it is possible to supply an .asc file with the name derived soley from the groupId (with no suffix).
These keyrings require maintenance:
If an artifact is added to the distribution and it is not signed with a trusted key
If the version of an artifact changed and the signature on it is not a trusted key.
In both this cases the artifact will not have been added to our repository without a signature check and so it is an absolute assumption that the public key is available.
Adding a new artifact
If an artifact is added implicitly as a dependency then you may need to add the artifactId to groupId mapping to the artifactMap.
If the artifact is in a previously unknown groupId then you must create an empty GPG keyring with the appropriate name (and empty keyring is an empty file with a .gpg extension
Adding a new public key to a keyring
Only commit a change to the keyring after discussion with the committers group (either by Slack or by email) to ensure that an appropriate process has been followed for accrediting the signatory.
Assuming that the key is help in a file called pubkey.asc and the groupId is the following command will add the key.
In the Shibboleth projects the enforcer is used in two distinct types of place:
Dependency & Signature checking when distributables are created.
M2 checking towards the end if the build of every project
Dependency & Signature checking
This is enabled for
The -dist part of every plugin
The idp-dist project
The enforcer is configured to run during the verify phase and the entirety of the configuration (with the exception of the properties defining versions) is contained within the relevant pom file.
M2 checking
This is usually performed in the last module of every project. For multi module projects this is usually the bom project.
The checking is performed in the verify phase and is enabled via specific profile. This allow (nearly) all the configuration to be contained in the parent pom. M2 checking is enabled for any particular module by creating a file called .check-m2 in the modules root directory. It can then be supressed by the -Dno-check-m2 parameter to command line maven.
Finally the output location for the m2 report can be changed for any project by defining a property maven-dist-enforcer-data.m2ReportPath in that project’s pom containing the fully qualified name that the output file should have.
Example output
Signature Testing started at 2021-09-26T09:46:30.494778300Z
ant : 1.10.10 Signature Match in keyring org.apache.ant : KeyId: 0XDDBCC1270A29D081 Username: jaikiran@apache <>
ant-launcher : 1.10.10 Signature Match in keyring org.apache.ant : KeyId: 0XDDBCC1270A29D081 Username: jaikiran@apache <>
bcpg-jdk15on : 1.68 Signature Match in keyring org.bouncycastle : KeyId: 0XB341DDB020FCB6AB Username: The Legion of the Bouncy Castle (Maven Repository Artifact Signer) <>
commons-compress : 1.20 Signature Match in keyring org.apache.commons : KeyId: 0XA2115AE15F6B8B72 Username: Stefan Bodewig <> Username: Stefan Bodewig <> Username: Stefan Bodewig <> Username: Stefan Bodewig <> Username: Stefan Bodewig <>
idp-installer : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Generated by build. Not checked
jcommander : 1.81 Signature Match in keyring com.beust : KeyId: 0XAC5EC74981F9CDA6 Username: Cedric Beust <>
annotations : 17.0.0 Signature Match in keyring org.jetbrains : KeyId: 0X379CE192D401AB61 Username: Bintray (by JFrog) <>
antlr : 2.7.7 Signature Match in keyring antlr : KeyId: 0X378B845402277962 Username: Scott Cantor <>
bcpkix-jdk15on : 1.68 Signature Match in keyring org.bouncycastle : KeyId: 0XB341DDB020FCB6AB Username: The Legion of the Bouncy Castle (Maven Repository Artifact Signer) <>
bcprov-jdk15on : 1.68 Signature Match in keyring org.bouncycastle : KeyId: 0XB341DDB020FCB6AB Username: The Legion of the Bouncy Castle (Maven Repository Artifact Signer) <>
byte-buddy : 1.10.21 Signature Match in keyring net.bytebuddy : KeyId: 0X7999BEFBA1039E8B Username: Rafael Winterhalter <>
checker-qual : 3.8.0 Signature Match in keyring org.checkerframework : KeyId: 0XB16698A4ADF4D638 Username: Checker Framework (Official Release) <>
classmate : 1.5.1 Signature Match in keyring com.fasterxml : KeyId: 0XC9FBAA83A8753994 Username: Tatu Saloranta (cowtowncoder) <>
commons-cli : 1.4 Signature Match in keyring commons-cli : KeyId: 0X9DAADC1C9FCC82D0 Username: Benedikt Ritter (CODE SIGNING KEY) <>
commons-codec : 1.15 Signature Match in keyring commons-codec : KeyId: 0X21939FF0CA2A6567 Username: Alex Herbert (CODE SIGNING KEY) <>
commons-compiler : 3.1.3 Signature Match in keyring org.codehaus.janino : KeyId: 0X58FE9D80369755E0 Username: Arno Unkrig <>
commons-dbcp2 : 2.8.0 Signature Match in keyring org.apache.commons : KeyId: 0X86FDC7E2A11262CB Username: Gary David Gregory (Code signing key) <>
commons-lang : 2.6 Signature Match in keyring commons-lang : KeyId: 0X1861C322C56014B2 Username: Niall Pemberton (Code signing) <>
commons-lang3 : 3.11 Signature Match in keyring org.apache.commons : KeyId: 0X86FDC7E2A11262CB Username: Gary David Gregory (Code signing key) <>
commons-pool2 : 2.8.1 Signature Match in keyring org.apache.commons : KeyId: 0X86FDC7E2A11262CB Username: Gary David Gregory (Code signing key) <>
cryptacular : 1.2.4 Signature Match in keyring org.cryptacular : KeyId: 0X70B2EBE96C112CC9 Username: Daniel Fisher <> Username: Daniel Fisher <>
dom4j : 2.1.3 Signature Match in keyring org.dom4j : KeyId: 0X79E193516BE7998F Username: Filip Jirsák <>
DuoWeb : 1.3 Signature Match in keyring com.duosecurity : KeyId: 0X378B845402277962 Username: Scott Cantor <>
error_prone_annotations : 2.5.1 Signature Match in keyring : KeyId: 0X9A259C7EE636C5ED Username: Liam Miller-Cushon <>
failureaccess : 1.0.1 Signature Match in keyring : KeyId: 0XABE9F3126BB741C1 Username: Colin Decker <>
guava : 30.1.1-jre Signature Match in keyring : KeyId: 0XF6D4A1D411E9D1AE Username: Christopher Povirk <>
hibernate-commons-annotations : 5.1.2.Final Signature not available. Loaded from local store
hibernate-commons-annotations : 5.1.2.Final Signature Match in keyring org.hibernate.common : KeyId: 0X01483F262A4B3FF0 Username: Rod Widdowson <>
hibernate-core : 5.4.29.Final Signature Match in keyring org.hibernate : KeyId: 0X379CE192D401AB61 Username: Bintray (by JFrog) <>
httpclient : 4.5.13 Signature Match in keyring org.apache.httpcomponents : KeyId: 0X7C25280EAE63EBE5 Username: Oleg Kalnichevski <> Username: Oleg Kalnichevski <>
httpclient-cache : 4.5.13 Signature Match in keyring org.apache.httpcomponents : KeyId: 0X7C25280EAE63EBE5 Username: Oleg Kalnichevski <> Username: Oleg Kalnichevski <>
httpcore : 4.4.14 Signature Match in keyring org.apache.httpcomponents : KeyId: 0X7C25280EAE63EBE5 Username: Oleg Kalnichevski <> Username: Oleg Kalnichevski <>
idp-admin-api : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Generated by build. Not checked
idp-admin-impl : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Generated by build. Not checked
idp-attribute-api : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Generated by build. Not checked
idp-attribute-filter-api : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Generated by build. Not checked
idp-attribute-filter-impl : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Generated by build. Not checked
idp-attribute-filter-spring : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Generated by build. Not checked
idp-attribute-impl : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Generated by build. Not checked
idp-attribute-resolver-api : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Generated by build. Not checked
idp-attribute-resolver-impl : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Generated by build. Not checked
idp-attribute-resolver-spring : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Generated by build. Not checked
idp-authn-api : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Generated by build. Not checked
idp-authn-impl : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Generated by build. Not checked
idp-cas-api : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Generated by build. Not checked
idp-cas-impl : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Generated by build. Not checked
idp-conf-impl : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Generated by build. Not checked
idp-consent-api : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Generated by build. Not checked
idp-consent-impl : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Generated by build. Not checked
idp-core : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Generated by build. Not checked
idp-profile-api : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Generated by build. Not checked
idp-profile-impl : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Generated by build. Not checked
idp-profile-spring : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Generated by build. Not checked
idp-saml-api : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Generated by build. Not checked
idp-saml-impl : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Generated by build. Not checked
idp-schema : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Generated by build. Not checked
idp-session-api : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Generated by build. Not checked
idp-session-impl : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Generated by build. Not checked
idp-ui : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Generated by build. Not checked
idwsfconsumer : 2.1.0 Signature Match in keyring net.shibboleth.liberty : KeyId: 0X7D27E610B8A3DC52 Username: Philip David Smart <>
istack-commons-runtime : 3.0.11 Signature Match in keyring com.sun.istack : KeyId: 0X7ECBD740FF06AEB5 Username: Eclipse Implementation of JAXB Project <>
j2objc-annotations : 1.3 Signature Match in keyring : KeyId: 0X29579F18FA8FD93B Username: Tom Ball <>
jackson-annotations : 2.12.2 Signature Match in keyring com.fasterxml.jackson.core : KeyId: 0X8D7F1BEC1E2ECAE7 Username: Tatu Saloranta (cowtowncoder) <> Username: Tatu Saloranta <>
jackson-core : 2.12.2 Signature Match in keyring com.fasterxml.jackson.core : KeyId: 0X8D7F1BEC1E2ECAE7 Username: Tatu Saloranta (cowtowncoder) <> Username: Tatu Saloranta <>
jackson-databind : 2.12.2 Signature Match in keyring com.fasterxml.jackson.core : KeyId: 0X8D7F1BEC1E2ECAE7 Username: Tatu Saloranta (cowtowncoder) <> Username: Tatu Saloranta <>
jackson-datatype-jsr310 : 2.12.2 Signature Match in keyring com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype : KeyId: 0X8D7F1BEC1E2ECAE7 Username: Tatu Saloranta (cowtowncoder) <> Username: Tatu Saloranta <>
jakarta.activation : 1.2.2 Signature Match in keyring com.sun.activation : KeyId: 0XD908A43FB7EC07AC Username: Eclipse Project for JAF <>
jakarta.json : 1.1.6 Signature Match in keyring org.glassfish : KeyId: 0X8F303857EBF3ADD5 Username: Eclipse JSON-P Project <>
jakarta.mail : 1.6.6 Signature Match in keyring com.sun.mail : KeyId: 0X0C27E8FAC93B3B19 Username: Eclipse Project for JavaMail <>
jakarta.xml.bind-api : 2.3.3 Signature Match in keyring jakarta.xml.bind : KeyId: 0X8118B3BCDB1A5000 Username: Eclipse Project for JAXB <>
jandex : 2.2.3.Final Signature not available. Loaded from local store
jandex : 2.2.3.Final Signature Match in keyring org.jboss : KeyId: 0X01483F262A4B3FF0 Username: Rod Widdowson <>
janino : 3.1.3 Signature Match in keyring org.codehaus.janino : KeyId: 0X58FE9D80369755E0 Username: Arno Unkrig <>
java-support : 8.2.1 Signature Match in keyring net.shibboleth.utilities : KeyId: 0X7D27E610B8A3DC52 Username: Philip David Smart <>
javassist : 3.27.0-GA Signature Match in keyring org.javassist : KeyId: 0X10066A9707090CF9 Username: Scott Marlow <>
javax.persistence-api : 2.2 Signature Match in keyring javax.persistence : KeyId: 0X0A71E49A4906BF73 Username: Lukas Jungmann <>
jaxb-runtime : 2.3.3 Signature Match in keyring org.glassfish.jaxb : KeyId: 0X7ECBD740FF06AEB5 Username: Eclipse Implementation of JAXB Project <>
jboss-logging : 3.4.1.Final Signature not available. Loaded from local store
jboss-logging : 3.4.1.Final Signature Match in keyring org.jboss.logging : KeyId: 0X01483F262A4B3FF0 Username: Rod Widdowson <>
jboss-transaction-api_1.2_spec: 1.1.1.Final Signature not available. Loaded from local store
jboss-transaction-api_1.2_spec: 1.1.1.Final Signature Match in keyring org.jboss.spec.javax.transaction : KeyId: 0X01483F262A4B3FF0 Username: Rod Widdowson <>
joda-time : 2.10.10 Signature Match in keyring joda-time : KeyId: 0X72385FF0AF338D52 Username: Stephen Colebourne (CODE SIGNING KEY) <>
jsonapi-converter : 0.10 Signature Match in keyring com.github.jasminb : KeyId: 0XD83818EAA3228CA1 Username: Jasmin Begic (jbegic) <>
jsr305 : 3.0.2 Signature Match in keyring : KeyId: 0X59A252FB1199D873 Username: Tagir Valeev <>
jul-to-slf4j : 1.7.30 Signature Match in keyring org.slf4j : KeyId: 0X2C7B12F2A511E325 Username: Ceki Gulcu <>
ldaptive : 1.3.0 Signature Match in keyring org.ldaptive : KeyId: 0X70B2EBE96C112CC9 Username: Daniel Fisher <> Username: Daniel Fisher <>
listenablefuture : 9999.0-empty-to-avoid-conflict-with-guava Signature Match in keyring : KeyId: 0XF6D4A1D411E9D1AE Username: Christopher Povirk <>
log4j-over-slf4j : 1.7.30 Signature Match in keyring org.slf4j : KeyId: 0X2C7B12F2A511E325 Username: Ceki Gulcu <>
logback-classic : 1.2.3 Signature Match in keyring ch.qos.logback : KeyId: 0X2C7B12F2A511E325 Username: Ceki Gulcu <>
logback-core : 1.2.3 Signature Match in keyring ch.qos.logback : KeyId: 0X2C7B12F2A511E325 Username: Ceki Gulcu <>
metrics-core : 4.1.18 Signature Match in keyring io.dropwizard.metrics : KeyId: 0XA388C395AAFB80F8 Username: Dropwizard <>
metrics-json : 4.1.18 Signature Match in keyring io.dropwizard.metrics : KeyId: 0XA388C395AAFB80F8 Username: Dropwizard <>
metrics-jvm : 4.1.18 Signature Match in keyring io.dropwizard.metrics : KeyId: 0XA388C395AAFB80F8 Username: Dropwizard <>
opensaml-core : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Snapshot version on a snapshot build. Not Checked
opensaml-messaging-api : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Snapshot version on a snapshot build. Not Checked
opensaml-messaging-impl : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Snapshot version on a snapshot build. Not Checked
opensaml-profile-api : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Snapshot version on a snapshot build. Not Checked
opensaml-profile-impl : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Snapshot version on a snapshot build. Not Checked
opensaml-saml-api : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Snapshot version on a snapshot build. Not Checked
opensaml-saml-impl : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Snapshot version on a snapshot build. Not Checked
opensaml-security-api : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Snapshot version on a snapshot build. Not Checked
opensaml-security-impl : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Snapshot version on a snapshot build. Not Checked
opensaml-soap-api : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Snapshot version on a snapshot build. Not Checked
opensaml-soap-impl : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Snapshot version on a snapshot build. Not Checked
opensaml-storage-api : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Snapshot version on a snapshot build. Not Checked
opensaml-storage-impl : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Snapshot version on a snapshot build. Not Checked
opensaml-xmlsec-api : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Snapshot version on a snapshot build. Not Checked
opensaml-xmlsec-impl : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Snapshot version on a snapshot build. Not Checked
slf4j-api : 1.7.30 Signature Match in keyring org.slf4j : KeyId: 0X2C7B12F2A511E325 Username: Ceki Gulcu <>
spring-aop : 5.3.9 Signature Match in keyring org.springframework : KeyId: 0X9A2C7A98E457C53D Username: Spring Buildmaster <>
spring-beans : 5.3.9 Signature Match in keyring org.springframework : KeyId: 0X9A2C7A98E457C53D Username: Spring Buildmaster <>
spring-binding : 2.5.1.RELEASE Signature Match in keyring org.springframework.webflow : KeyId: 0X9A2C7A98E457C53D Username: Spring Buildmaster <>
spring-context : 5.3.9 Signature Match in keyring org.springframework : KeyId: 0X9A2C7A98E457C53D Username: Spring Buildmaster <>
spring-core : 5.3.9 Signature Match in keyring org.springframework : KeyId: 0X9A2C7A98E457C53D Username: Spring Buildmaster <>
spring-expression : 5.3.9 Signature Match in keyring org.springframework : KeyId: 0X9A2C7A98E457C53D Username: Spring Buildmaster <>
spring-extensions : 6.1.4-SNAPSHOT Snapshot version on a snapshot build. Not Checked
spring-jcl : 5.3.9 Signature Match in keyring org.springframework : KeyId: 0X9A2C7A98E457C53D Username: Spring Buildmaster <>
spring-jdbc : 5.3.9 Signature Match in keyring org.springframework : KeyId: 0X9A2C7A98E457C53D Username: Spring Buildmaster <>
spring-orm : 5.3.9 Signature Match in keyring org.springframework : KeyId: 0X9A2C7A98E457C53D Username: Spring Buildmaster <>
spring-tx : 5.3.9 Signature Match in keyring org.springframework : KeyId: 0X9A2C7A98E457C53D Username: Spring Buildmaster <>
spring-web : 5.3.9 Signature Match in keyring org.springframework : KeyId: 0X9A2C7A98E457C53D Username: Spring Buildmaster <>
spring-webflow : 2.5.1.RELEASE Signature Match in keyring org.springframework.webflow : KeyId: 0X9A2C7A98E457C53D Username: Spring Buildmaster <>
spring-webmvc : 5.3.9 Signature Match in keyring org.springframework : KeyId: 0X9A2C7A98E457C53D Username: Spring Buildmaster <>
stax2-api : 3.1.4 Signature Match in keyring org.codehaus.woodstox : KeyId: 0X9CD8549ACF9BD0CE Username: Tatu Saloranta (Home mac 2013/7) <>
txw2 : 2.3.3 Signature Match in keyring org.glassfish.jaxb : KeyId: 0X7ECBD740FF06AEB5 Username: Eclipse Implementation of JAXB Project <>
unboundid-ldapsdk : 4.0.14 Signature Match in keyring com.unboundid : KeyId: 0X5657B51F13E59DBE Username: UnboundID Corp
UserAgentUtils : 1.21 Signature Match in keyring eu.bitwalker : KeyId: 0XAA1450D8AE492038 Username: Harald Walker <>
velocity-engine-core : 2.3 Signature Match in keyring org.apache.velocity : KeyId: 0XBEFEEF227A98B809 Username: Claude Brisson <>
woodstox-core : 5.0.3 Signature Match in keyring com.fasterxml.woodstox : KeyId: 0XC9FBAA83A8753994 Username: Tatu Saloranta (cowtowncoder) <>
xmlsec : 2.1.6 Signature Match in keyring org.apache.santuario : KeyId: 0X67BF80B10AD53983 Username: Colm O hEigeartaigh <>
All non-exempt jar files correctly signed
Completed at 2021-09-26T09:46:34.519077400Z
POM based Dependency Testing started at 2021-09-26T09:46:30.140595400Z
Dependencies found in war file
DuoWeb : 1.3 Found (from ../idp-authn-impl)
UserAgentUtils : 1.21 Found (from ../idp-authn-api)
ant : 1.10.10 Found (from ../idp-distribution)
ant-launcher : 1.10.10 Found (from ../idp-distribution)
bcpg-jdk15on : 1.68 Found (from ../idp-distribution)
bcpkix-jdk15on : 1.68 Found (from ../idp-distribution)
bcprov-jdk15on : 1.68 Found (from ../idp-profile-spring)
commons-codec : 1.15 Found (from ../idp-attribute-api)
commons-compress : 1.20 Found (from ../idp-distribution)
commons-dbcp2 : 2.8.0 Found (from ../idp-attribute-resolver-spring)
cryptacular : 1.2.4 Found (from ../idp-cas-api)
guava : 30.1.1-jre Found (from ../idp-core)
hibernate-core : 5.4.29.Final Found (from ../idp-war-distribution)
httpclient : 4.5.13 Found (from ../idp-core)
httpcore : 4.4.14 Found (from ../idp-core)
idp-admin-api : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Generated by parent war
idp-admin-impl : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Generated by parent war
idp-attribute-api : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Generated by parent war
idp-attribute-filter-api : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Generated by parent war
idp-attribute-filter-impl : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Generated by parent war
idp-attribute-filter-spring : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Generated by parent war
idp-attribute-impl : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Generated by parent war
idp-attribute-resolver-api : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Generated by parent war
idp-attribute-resolver-impl : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Generated by parent war
idp-attribute-resolver-spring : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Generated by parent war
idp-authn-api : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Generated by parent war
idp-authn-impl : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Generated by parent war
idp-cas-api : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Generated by parent war
idp-cas-impl : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Generated by parent war
idp-conf-impl : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Generated by parent war
idp-consent-api : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Generated by parent war
idp-consent-impl : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Generated by parent war
idp-core : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Generated by parent war
idp-installer : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Generated by parent war
idp-profile-api : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Generated by parent war
idp-profile-impl : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Generated by parent war
idp-profile-spring : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Generated by parent war
idp-saml-api : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Generated by parent war
idp-saml-impl : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Generated by parent war
idp-schema : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Generated by parent war
idp-session-api : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Generated by parent war
idp-session-impl : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Generated by parent war
idp-ui : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Generated by parent war
idwsfconsumer : 2.1.0 Found (from ../idp-saml-impl)
jackson-annotations : 2.12.2 Found (from ../idp-authn-impl)
jackson-core : 2.12.2 Found (from ../idp-admin-impl)
jackson-databind : 2.12.2 Found (from ../idp-core)
jackson-datatype-jsr310 : 2.12.2 Found (from ../idp-core)
jakarta.json : 1.1.6 Found (from ../idp-authn-api)
jakarta.mail : 1.6.6 Found (from ../idp-war-distribution)
janino : 3.1.3 Found (from ../idp-war-distribution)
java-support : 8.2.1 Found (from ../idp-core)
javax.servlet-api : 3.1.0 Not found (from ../idp-admin-impl)
joda-time : 2.10.10 Found (from ../idp-profile-api)
jsonapi-converter : 0.10 Found (from ../idp-admin-impl)
jsr305 : 3.0.2 Found (from ../idp-core)
jul-to-slf4j : 1.7.30 Found (from ../idp-war-distribution)
ldaptive : 1.3.0 Found (from ../idp-authn-api)
log4j-over-slf4j : 1.7.30 Found (from ../idp-war-distribution)
logback-classic : 1.2.3 Found (from ../idp-core)
: Runtime & Compile: (from ../idp-war-distribution)
logback-core : 1.2.3 Found (from ../idp-core)
: Runtime & Compile: (from ../idp-war-distribution)
metrics-core : 4.1.18 Found (from ../idp-core)
metrics-json : 4.1.18 Found (from ../idp-core)
metrics-jvm : 4.1.18 Found (from ../idp-war-distribution)
opensaml-core : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Found (from ../idp-core)
opensaml-messaging-api : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Found (from ../idp-authn-api)
opensaml-messaging-impl : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Found (from ../idp-war)
opensaml-profile-api : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Found (from ../idp-admin-api)
opensaml-profile-impl : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Found (from ../idp-war)
: Runtime & Compile: (from ../idp-admin-impl)
opensaml-saml-api : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Found (from ../idp-admin-api)
opensaml-saml-impl : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Found (from ../idp-cas-impl)
opensaml-security-api : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Found (from ../idp-core)
opensaml-security-impl : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Found (from ../idp-attribute-resolver-impl)
opensaml-soap-api : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Found (from ../idp-saml-api)
opensaml-soap-impl : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Found (from ../idp-war)
opensaml-storage-api : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Found (from ../idp-authn-api)
opensaml-storage-impl : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Found (from ../idp-war)
: Runtime & Compile: (from ../idp-admin-impl)
opensaml-xmlsec-api : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Found (from ../idp-core)
opensaml-xmlsec-impl : 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT Found (from ../idp-profile-spring)
slf4j-api : 1.7.30 Found (from provided pom)
spring-beans : 5.3.9 Found (from ../idp-authn-api)
spring-context : 5.3.9 Found (from ../idp-core)
spring-core : 5.3.9 Found (from ../idp-core)
spring-expression : 5.3.9 Found (from ../idp-profile-api)
spring-extensions : 6.1.4-SNAPSHOT Found (from ../idp-core)
spring-orm : 5.3.9 Found (from ../idp-war-distribution)
spring-web : 5.3.9 Found (from ../idp-cas-api)
spring-webflow : 2.5.1.RELEASE Found (from ../idp-authn-api)
spring-webmvc : 5.3.9 Found (from ../idp-authn-impl)
velocity-engine-core : 2.3 Found (from ../idp-authn-api)
4 Duplicates (Runtime & Compile)
101 dependencies, 61 found, 1 declared but not found, 0 mismatched
0 Similar artifact names(s)
0 Wrong versions(s)
Completed at 2021-09-26T09:46:30.479146600Z
Dependency sources for jars found but not explicitly defined as a dependency:
annotations : 17.0.0 Contributed by jsonapi-converter-0.10
antlr : 2.7.7 Contributed by hibernate-core-5.4.29.Final
byte-buddy : 1.10.21 Contributed by hibernate-core-5.4.29.Final
checker-qual : 3.8.0 Contributed by guava-30.1.1-jre,idwsfconsumer-2.1.0,java-support-8.2.1,opensaml-core-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT,
classmate : 1.5.1 Contributed by hibernate-core-5.4.29.Final
commons-cli : 1.4 Contributed by ldaptive-1.3.0
commons-compiler : 3.1.3 Contributed by janino-3.1.3
commons-lang : 2.6 Contributed by idwsfconsumer-2.1.0
commons-lang3 : 3.11 Contributed by opensaml-saml-impl-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT,velocity-engine-core-2.3
commons-pool2 : 2.8.1 Contributed by commons-dbcp2-2.8.0
dom4j : 2.1.3 Contributed by hibernate-core-5.4.29.Final
error_prone_annotations : 2.5.1 Contributed by guava-30.1.1-jre,idwsfconsumer-2.1.0,java-support-8.2.1,opensaml-core-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT,
failureaccess : 1.0.1 Contributed by guava-30.1.1-jre,idwsfconsumer-2.1.0,java-support-8.2.1,opensaml-core-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT,
hibernate-commons-annotations : 5.1.2.Final Contributed by hibernate-core-5.4.29.Final
httpclient-cache : 4.5.13 Contributed by spring-extensions-6.1.4-SNAPSHOT
istack-commons-runtime : 3.0.11 Contributed by hibernate-core-5.4.29.Final,idwsfconsumer-2.1.0,opensaml-profile-impl-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT,opensaml-saml-api-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT,
j2objc-annotations : 1.3 Contributed by guava-30.1.1-jre,idwsfconsumer-2.1.0,java-support-8.2.1,opensaml-core-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT,
jakarta.activation : 1.2.2 Contributed by hibernate-core-5.4.29.Final,idwsfconsumer-2.1.0,jakarta.mail-1.6.6,opensaml-profile-impl-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT,
jakarta.xml.bind-api : 2.3.3 Contributed by hibernate-core-5.4.29.Final,idwsfconsumer-2.1.0,opensaml-profile-impl-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT,opensaml-saml-api-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT,
jandex : 2.2.3.Final Contributed by hibernate-core-5.4.29.Final
javassist : 3.27.0-GA Contributed by hibernate-core-5.4.29.Final
javax.persistence-api : 2.2 Contributed by hibernate-core-5.4.29.Final
jaxb-runtime : 2.3.3 Contributed by hibernate-core-5.4.29.Final,idwsfconsumer-2.1.0,opensaml-profile-impl-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT,opensaml-saml-api-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT,
jboss-logging : 3.4.1.Final Contributed by hibernate-core-5.4.29.Final
jboss-transaction-api_1.2_spec : 1.1.1.Final Contributed by hibernate-core-5.4.29.Final
jcommander : 1.81 No source artifact found
listenablefuture : 9999.0-empty-to-avoid-conflict-with-guava Contributed by guava-30.1.1-jre,idwsfconsumer-2.1.0,java-support-8.2.1,opensaml-core-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT,
spring-aop : 5.3.9 Contributed by spring-context-5.3.9,spring-webflow-2.5.1.RELEASE,spring-webmvc-5.3.9
spring-binding : 2.5.1.RELEASE Contributed by spring-webflow-2.5.1.RELEASE
spring-jcl : 5.3.9 Contributed by spring-beans-5.3.9,spring-context-5.3.9,spring-core-5.3.9,spring-expression-5.3.9,
spring-jdbc : 5.3.9 Contributed by spring-orm-5.3.9
spring-tx : 5.3.9 Contributed by spring-orm-5.3.9
stax2-api : 3.1.4 Contributed by idwsfconsumer-2.1.0,opensaml-profile-impl-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT,opensaml-saml-api-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT,opensaml-saml-impl-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT,
txw2 : 2.3.3 Contributed by hibernate-core-5.4.29.Final,idwsfconsumer-2.1.0,opensaml-profile-impl-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT,opensaml-saml-api-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT,
unboundid-ldapsdk : 4.0.14 Contributed by ldaptive-1.3.0
woodstox-core : 5.0.3 Contributed by idwsfconsumer-2.1.0,opensaml-profile-impl-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT,opensaml-saml-api-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT,opensaml-saml-impl-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT,
xmlsec : 2.1.6 Contributed by idwsfconsumer-2.1.0,opensaml-profile-impl-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT,opensaml-saml-api-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT,opensaml-saml-impl-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT,
Many of the error messages are (supposed to be) self explanatory and people having issues with them should enter a case in JIRA This will allow me to update the documentation or the error messages.