

Shibboleth Developer's Meeting, 2021-06-18

Call Administrivia

09:00 Central US / 10:00 Eastern US / 15:00 UK / 17:00 FI

Calls are normally the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month. Next call would be Friday 2021-07-02. Any reason to deviate from this?

60 to 90 minute call window.

Call Details

This week's call will use the Zoom system at OSU:

Zoom Info
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 925 5795 8432
Password: 227875
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        +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
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        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
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        +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 925 5795 8432
Password: 227875
Find your local number: https://osu.zoom.us/u/adAeNFvmmn


Add items for discussion here





  • JOIDC-42 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    • The ticket was updated earlier this week: "Just to update you that the results have been processed and they are fine. The results will be posted when the certification fee is received."
  • JOIDC-21 - Getting issue details... STATUS


  • Java 17 has reached "Rampdown Phase One", so we know what it will look like. Testing vs. the current EA soon.


  • cpp-linbuild
    • Added support for Rocky Linux 8
    • Investigating Red Hat UBI



  • Helping Rod on JPAR-175 (Rod doing all the hard work).
  • Mostly Maven related work
    • JPAR-176 - Getting issue details... STATUS  - Works in an expected way, and much faster and reliable than WebDAV. Will need to deploy to a web server (Apache) as opposed to Nexus, as this technique is not supported in Nexus 3 - dependent on Scott's findings in GEN-292.  
    • JPAR-178 - Getting issue details... STATUS  Seems like 3.3.0 fixes the maven-javadoc issues we had. We can probably move over to that (subject to a few more tests).
  • Will get back to RP work next week.


  • metadatagen plugin beta built.
  • Mostly working with philsmart@shibboleth.net (Unlicensed)on  JPAR-175 - Getting issue details... STATUS

    • Asserts on "badness" (version mismatch)
    • Always creates a report -  see bottom for example
    • Relies on a kludge to locate maven - may nor may not work inside Jenkins
    • It takes 4 minutes to run.  Do we want to limit this to being in nightlies? If so, how?
    • There are some oddities showing : duplicate artefact declarations, needless jars, weird jars (what on early does listenablefuture-9999.0-empty-to-avoid-conflict-with-guava.jar do?  Who feels confident to take ownership of these issues?


  • Finishing up logout improvements and other 4.2 odds and ends
  • Issue review for backlog, started adding label to some things, scheduling a couple of others for 4.2
  • "Kickoff" of Atlassian migration, not much more done yet other than announcement
  • GEN-292 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • Thinking we should consider targeting SP 3.3 to get OpenSSL 3.0 support and add deprecations, switch to new build process


  • Browser tests via Jenkins and Sauce Labs : java-idp-integration-tests-v4-sauce
    • iOS
    • macOS : Safari, Firefox, Chrome (latest versions)
    • Windows 10 : Firefox, Chrome, Edge (latest versions)
  • Not all tests are passing, probably looking at lots of trial-and-error to adjust timing, etc.
  • Fun to login to Sauce Labs and watch videos of the browsers running the tests, let me know if you want an account
  • Probably need to spin up extra nodes just for Sauce Labs tests (they are slow, but we have 5 parallel sessions)
  • Comments :
    • API impls in Java should use Strings not Enums for things that change like OS or browser names and versions
    • Using "old" (read-only) Sauce API impl, the "new" looks unfinished and does not allow setting browser preferences
      • Sauce documentation refers to the new impl, not old
    • Inconsistency between old and new Sauce API impls and Sauce On-Demand Plugin for Jenkins ('Mac 11' > 'macOS 11')
    • Should be straightforward to upgrade to Selenium 4 when it is official


Example Analysis
Dependency Analysis, started at 2021-06-18T09:42:05.844770700Z
=== ========
DuoWeb                	: 1.3         	Found in war        (from parent.pom)     
UserAgentUtils        	: 1.21        	Found in war        (from parent.pom)     
bcpg-jdk15on          	: 1.68        	Not found in war    (from parent.pom)     
bcpkix-jdk15on        	: 1.68        	Found in war        (from parent.pom)     
bcprov-jdk15on        	: 1.68        	Found in war        (from parent.pom)     
commons-codec         	: 1.15        	Found in war        (from parent.pom)     
commons-collections   	: 3.2.2       	Not found in war    (from parent.pom)     
commons-compress      	: 1.20        	Not found in war    (from parent.pom)     
commons-dbcp2         	: 2.8.0       	Found in war        (from parent.pom)     
commons-lang          	: 2.6         	Found in war        (from parent.pom)     
cryptacular           	: 1.2.4       	Found in war        (from parent.pom)     
guava                 	: 30.1.1-jre  	Not found in war    (from parent.pom)     
hibernate-core        	: 5.4.29.Final	Found in war        (from parent.pom)     
hibernate-jpa-2.1-api 	: 1.0.2.Final 	Not found in war    (from parent.pom)     
httpclient            	: 4.5.13      	Found in war        (from parent.pom)     
httpclient-cache      	: 4.5.13      	Found in war        (from parent.pom)     
httpcore              	: 4.4.14      	Found in war        (from parent.pom)     
jackson-annotations   	: 2.12.2      	Found in war        (from parent.pom)     
jackson-core          	: 2.12.2      	Found in war        (from parent.pom)     
jackson-databind      	: 2.12.2      	Found in war        (from parent.pom)     
jackson-datatype-joda 	: 2.12.2      	Not found in war    (from parent.pom)     
jackson-datatype-jsr310	: 2.12.2      	Found in war        (from parent.pom)     
jakarta.xml.bind-api  	: 2.3.3       	Found in war        (from parent.pom)     
janino                	: 3.1.3       	Not found in war    (from parent.pom)     
java-support          	: 8.2.1       	Found in war        (from pom.xml)        
jcommander            	: 1.81        	Found in war        (from parent.pom)     
joda-time             	: 2.10.10     	Found in war        (from parent.pom)     
jsonapi-converter     	: 0.10        	Found in war        (from parent.pom)     
jsr305                	: 3.0.2       	Found in war        (from parent.pom)     
ldaptive              	: 1.3.0       	Found in war        (from parent.pom)     
metrics-annotation    	: 4.1.18      	Not found in war    (from metrics-bom.pom)
metrics-caffeine      	: 4.1.18      	Not found in war    (from metrics-bom.pom)
metrics-collectd      	: 4.1.18      	Not found in war    (from metrics-bom.pom)
metrics-core          	: 4.1.18      	Found in war        (from metrics-bom.pom)
metrics-ehcache       	: 4.1.18      	Not found in war    (from metrics-bom.pom)
metrics-graphite      	: 4.1.18      	Not found in war    (from metrics-bom.pom)
metrics-healthchecks  	: 4.1.18      	Not found in war    (from metrics-bom.pom)
metrics-httpasyncclient	: 4.1.18      	Not found in war    (from metrics-bom.pom)
metrics-httpclient    	: 4.1.18      	Not found in war    (from metrics-bom.pom)
metrics-jcache        	: 4.1.18      	Not found in war    (from metrics-bom.pom)
metrics-jdbi          	: 4.1.18      	Not found in war    (from metrics-bom.pom)
metrics-jdbi3         	: 4.1.18      	Not found in war    (from metrics-bom.pom)
metrics-jersey2       	: 4.1.18      	Not found in war    (from metrics-bom.pom)
metrics-jetty9        	: 4.1.18      	Not found in war    (from metrics-bom.pom)
metrics-jmx           	: 4.1.18      	Not found in war    (from metrics-bom.pom)
metrics-json          	: 4.1.18      	Found in war        (from parent.pom)     
metrics-json          	: 4.1.18      	Duplicate artifact: (from metrics-bom.pom)
metrics-jvm           	: 4.1.18      	Not found in war    (from metrics-bom.pom)
metrics-log4j2        	: 4.1.18      	Not found in war    (from metrics-bom.pom)
metrics-logback       	: 4.1.18      	Not found in war    (from metrics-bom.pom)
metrics-servlet       	: 4.1.18      	Not found in war    (from metrics-bom.pom)
metrics-servlets      	: 4.1.18      	Not found in war    (from metrics-bom.pom)
opensaml-core         	: 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT	Found in war        (from opensaml-bom.pom)
opensaml-messaging-api	: 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT	Found in war        (from opensaml-bom.pom)
opensaml-messaging-impl	: 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT	Found in war        (from opensaml-bom.pom)
opensaml-profile-api  	: 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT	Found in war        (from opensaml-bom.pom)
opensaml-profile-impl 	: 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT	Found in war        (from opensaml-bom.pom)
opensaml-saml-api     	: 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT	Found in war        (from opensaml-bom.pom)
opensaml-saml-impl    	: 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT	Found in war        (from opensaml-bom.pom)
opensaml-security-api 	: 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT	Found in war        (from opensaml-bom.pom)
opensaml-security-impl	: 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT	Found in war        (from opensaml-bom.pom)
opensaml-soap-api     	: 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT	Found in war        (from opensaml-bom.pom)
opensaml-soap-impl    	: 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT	Found in war        (from opensaml-bom.pom)
opensaml-storage-api  	: 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT	Found in war        (from opensaml-bom.pom)
opensaml-storage-impl 	: 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT	Found in war        (from opensaml-bom.pom)
opensaml-xacml-api    	: 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT	Not found in war    (from opensaml-bom.pom)
opensaml-xacml-impl   	: 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT	Not found in war    (from opensaml-bom.pom)
opensaml-xacml-saml-api	: 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT	Not found in war    (from opensaml-bom.pom)
opensaml-xacml-saml-impl	: 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT	Not found in war    (from opensaml-bom.pom)
opensaml-xmlsec-api   	: 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT	Found in war        (from opensaml-bom.pom)
opensaml-xmlsec-impl  	: 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT	Found in war        (from opensaml-bom.pom)
slf4j-api             	: 1.7.30      	Found in war        (from parent.pom)     
spring-aop            	: 5.3.7       	Found in war        (from spring-framework-bom.pom)
spring-aspects        	: 5.3.7       	Not found in war    (from spring-framework-bom.pom)
spring-beans          	: 5.3.7       	Found in war        (from spring-framework-bom.pom)
spring-context        	: 5.3.7       	Found in war        (from spring-framework-bom.pom)
spring-context-indexer	: 5.3.7       	Not found in war    (from spring-framework-bom.pom)
spring-context-support	: 5.3.7       	Not found in war    (from spring-framework-bom.pom)
spring-core           	: 5.3.7       	Found in war        (from spring-framework-bom.pom)
spring-expression     	: 5.3.7       	Found in war        (from spring-framework-bom.pom)
spring-extensions     	: 6.1.2       	Found in war        (from pom.xml)        
spring-instrument     	: 5.3.7       	Not found in war    (from spring-framework-bom.pom)
spring-jcl            	: 5.3.7       	Found in war        (from spring-framework-bom.pom)
spring-jdbc           	: 5.3.7       	Found in war        (from spring-framework-bom.pom)
spring-jms            	: 5.3.7       	Not found in war    (from spring-framework-bom.pom)
spring-messaging      	: 5.3.7       	Not found in war    (from spring-framework-bom.pom)
spring-orm            	: 5.3.7       	Found in war        (from spring-framework-bom.pom)
spring-oxm            	: 5.3.7       	Not found in war    (from spring-framework-bom.pom)
spring-r2dbc          	: 5.3.7       	Not found in war    (from spring-framework-bom.pom)
spring-test           	: 5.3.7       	Not found in war    (from spring-framework-bom.pom)
spring-tx             	: 5.3.7       	Found in war        (from spring-framework-bom.pom)
spring-web            	: 5.3.7       	Found in war        (from spring-framework-bom.pom)
spring-webflow        	: 2.5.1.RELEASE	Found in war        (from parent.pom)     
spring-webflow        	: 2.5.1.RELEASE	Duplicate artifact: (from pom.xml)        
spring-webflux        	: 5.3.7       	Not found in war    (from spring-framework-bom.pom)
spring-webmvc         	: 5.3.7       	Found in war        (from spring-framework-bom.pom)
spring-websocket      	: 5.3.7       	Not found in war    (from spring-framework-bom.pom)
unboundid-ldapsdk     	: 4.0.14      	Found in war        (from parent.pom)     
velocity-engine-core  	: 2.3         	Found in war        (from parent.pom)     
xmlsec                	: 2.1.6       	Found in war        (from parent.pom)     

2 Duplicate names

100 dependencies, 57 found, 41 not found, 0 mismatched

Dependency Sources
annotations           	: 17.0.0      	Contributed by jsonapi-converter-0.10
antlr                 	: 2.7.7       	Contributed by hibernate-core-5.4.29.Final,opensaml-storage-impl-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT
byte-buddy            	: 1.10.21     	Contributed by hibernate-core-5.4.29.Final,opensaml-storage-impl-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT
checker-qual          	: 3.8.0       	Contributed by java-support-8.2.1,opensaml-core-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT,opensaml-messaging-api-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT,opensaml-messaging-impl-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT,
classmate             	: 1.5.1       	Contributed by hibernate-core-5.4.29.Final,opensaml-storage-impl-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT
commons-cli           	: 1.4         	Contributed by ldaptive-1.3.0,opensaml-storage-impl-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT
commons-lang3         	: 3.11        	Contributed by opensaml-saml-impl-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT,velocity-engine-core-2.3
commons-pool2         	: 2.8.1       	Contributed by commons-dbcp2-2.8.0
dom4j                 	: 2.1.3       	Contributed by hibernate-core-5.4.29.Final,opensaml-storage-impl-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT
error_prone_annotations	: 2.5.1       	Contributed by java-support-8.2.1,opensaml-core-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT,opensaml-messaging-api-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT,opensaml-messaging-impl-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT,
failureaccess         	: 1.0.1       	Contributed by java-support-8.2.1,opensaml-core-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT,opensaml-messaging-api-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT,opensaml-messaging-impl-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT,
guava-30.1.1          	: jre         	Contributed by java-support-8.2.1,opensaml-core-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT,opensaml-messaging-api-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT,opensaml-messaging-impl-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT,
hibernate-commons-annotations	: 5.1.2.Final 	Contributed by hibernate-core-5.4.29.Final,opensaml-storage-impl-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT
idwsfconsumer                      	: 2.1.0       	No source artefact found
istack-commons-runtime	: 3.0.11      	Contributed by hibernate-core-5.4.29.Final,opensaml-profile-impl-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT,opensaml-saml-api-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT,opensaml-saml-impl-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT,
j2objc-annotations    	: 1.3         	Contributed by java-support-8.2.1,opensaml-core-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT,opensaml-messaging-api-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT,opensaml-messaging-impl-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT,
jakarta.activation    	: 1.2.2       	Contributed by hibernate-core-5.4.29.Final,opensaml-profile-impl-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT,opensaml-saml-api-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT,opensaml-saml-impl-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT,
jakarta.json          	: 1.1.6       	Contributed by opensaml-storage-impl-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT
jandex                	: 2.2.3.Final 	Contributed by hibernate-core-5.4.29.Final,opensaml-storage-impl-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT
javassist-3.27.0      	: GA          	Contributed by hibernate-core-5.4.29.Final,opensaml-storage-impl-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT
javax.persistence-api 	: 2.2         	Contributed by hibernate-core-5.4.29.Final,opensaml-storage-impl-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT
jaxb-runtime          	: 2.3.3       	Contributed by hibernate-core-5.4.29.Final,opensaml-profile-impl-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT,opensaml-saml-api-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT,opensaml-saml-impl-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT,
jboss-logging         	: 3.4.1.Final 	Contributed by hibernate-core-5.4.29.Final,opensaml-storage-impl-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT
jboss-transaction-api_1.2_spec	: 1.1.1.Final 	Contributed by hibernate-core-5.4.29.Final,opensaml-storage-impl-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT
listenablefuture-9999.0-empty-to-avoid-conflict-with	: guava       	Contributed by java-support-8.2.1,opensaml-core-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT,opensaml-messaging-api-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT,opensaml-messaging-impl-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT,
logback-core                       	: 1.2.3       	No source artefact found
spring-binding        	: 2.5.1.RELEASE	Contributed by spring-webflow-2.5.1.RELEASE
spymemcached          	: 2.12.3      	Contributed by opensaml-storage-impl-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT
stax2-api             	: 3.1.4       	Contributed by opensaml-profile-impl-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT,opensaml-saml-api-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT,opensaml-saml-impl-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT,opensaml-soap-api-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT,
txw2                  	: 2.3.3       	Contributed by hibernate-core-5.4.29.Final,opensaml-profile-impl-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT,opensaml-saml-api-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT,opensaml-saml-impl-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT,
woodstox-core         	: 5.0.3       	Contributed by opensaml-profile-impl-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT,opensaml-saml-api-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT,opensaml-saml-impl-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT,opensaml-soap-api-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT,
0 Version mismatches, 2 lost artifacts
Completed at 2021-06-18T09:45:49.701190700Z
Example from the IdP 4.1.1 release
=== ========
DuoWeb                	: 1.3         	Found in war	parent.pom            
UserAgentUtils        	: 1.21        	Found in war	parent.pom            
bcpg-jdk15on          	: 1.68        	NOT found in war	parent.pom            
bcpkix-jdk15on        	: 1.68        	Found in war	parent.pom            
bcprov-jdk15on        	: 1.68        	Found in war	parent.pom            
commons-codec         	: 1.15        	Found in war	parent.pom            
commons-collections   	: 3.2.2       	NOT found in war	parent.pom            
commons-compress      	: 1.20        	NOT found in war	parent.pom            
commons-dbcp2         	: 2.8.0       	Found in war	parent.pom            
commons-lang          	: 2.6         	Found in war	parent.pom            
cryptacular           	: 1.2.4       	Found in war	parent.pom            
guava                 	: 30.1.1-jre  	NOT found in war	parent.pom            
hibernate-core        	: 5.4.29.Final	Found in war	parent.pom            
hibernate-jpa-2.1-api 	: 1.0.2.Final 	NOT found in war	parent.pom            
httpclient            	: 4.5.13      	Found in war	parent.pom            
httpclient-cache      	: 4.5.13      	Found in war	parent.pom            
httpcore              	: 4.4.14      	Found in war	parent.pom            
jackson-annotations   	: 2.12.2      	Found in war	parent.pom            
jackson-core          	: 2.12.2      	Found in war	parent.pom            
jackson-databind      	: 2.12.2      	Found in war	parent.pom            
jackson-datatype-joda 	: 2.12.2      	NOT found in war	parent.pom            
jackson-datatype-jsr310	: 2.12.2      	Found in war	parent.pom            
jakarta.xml.bind-api  	: 2.3.3       	Found in war	parent.pom            
janino                	: 3.1.3       	NOT found in war	parent.pom            
java-support          	: 8.2.0       	Found in war	pom.xml               
jcommander            	: 1.81        	Found in war	parent.pom            
joda-time             	: 2.10.10     	Found in war	parent.pom            
jsonapi-converter     	: 0.10        	Found in war	parent.pom            
jsr305                	: 3.0.2       	Found in war	parent.pom            
ldaptive              	: 1.3.0       	Found in war	parent.pom            
metrics-annotation    	: 4.1.18      	NOT found in war	metrics-bom.pom       
metrics-caffeine      	: 4.1.18      	NOT found in war	metrics-bom.pom       
metrics-collectd      	: 4.1.18      	NOT found in war	metrics-bom.pom       
metrics-core          	: 4.1.18      	Found in war	metrics-bom.pom       
metrics-ehcache       	: 4.1.18      	NOT found in war	metrics-bom.pom       
metrics-graphite      	: 4.1.18      	NOT found in war	metrics-bom.pom       
metrics-healthchecks  	: 4.1.18      	NOT found in war	metrics-bom.pom       
metrics-httpasyncclient	: 4.1.18      	NOT found in war	metrics-bom.pom       
metrics-httpclient    	: 4.1.18      	NOT found in war	metrics-bom.pom       
metrics-jcache        	: 4.1.18      	NOT found in war	metrics-bom.pom       
metrics-jdbi          	: 4.1.18      	NOT found in war	metrics-bom.pom       
metrics-jdbi3         	: 4.1.18      	NOT found in war	metrics-bom.pom       
metrics-jersey2       	: 4.1.18      	NOT found in war	metrics-bom.pom       
metrics-jetty9        	: 4.1.18      	NOT found in war	metrics-bom.pom       
metrics-jmx           	: 4.1.18      	NOT found in war	metrics-bom.pom       
metrics-json          	: 4.1.18      	Found in war	parent.pom            
metrics-json          	: 4.1.18      	DUPLICATE artifact	metrics-bom.pom       
metrics-jvm           	: 4.1.18      	NOT found in war	metrics-bom.pom       
metrics-log4j2        	: 4.1.18      	NOT found in war	metrics-bom.pom       
metrics-logback       	: 4.1.18      	NOT found in war	metrics-bom.pom       
metrics-servlet       	: 4.1.18      	NOT found in war	metrics-bom.pom       
metrics-servlets      	: 4.1.18      	NOT found in war	metrics-bom.pom       
opensaml-core         	: 4.1.0       	Found in war	opensaml-bom.pom      
opensaml-messaging-api	: 4.1.0       	Found in war	opensaml-bom.pom      
opensaml-messaging-impl	: 4.1.0       	Found in war	opensaml-bom.pom      
opensaml-profile-api  	: 4.1.0       	Found in war	opensaml-bom.pom      
opensaml-profile-impl 	: 4.1.0       	Found in war	opensaml-bom.pom      
opensaml-saml-api     	: 4.1.0       	Found in war	opensaml-bom.pom      
opensaml-saml-impl    	: 4.1.0       	Found in war	opensaml-bom.pom      
opensaml-security-api 	: 4.1.0       	Found in war	opensaml-bom.pom      
opensaml-security-impl	: 4.1.0       	Found in war	opensaml-bom.pom      
opensaml-soap-api     	: 4.1.0       	Found in war	opensaml-bom.pom      
opensaml-soap-impl    	: 4.1.0       	Found in war	opensaml-bom.pom      
opensaml-storage-api  	: 4.1.0       	Found in war	opensaml-bom.pom      
opensaml-storage-impl 	: 4.1.0       	Found in war	opensaml-bom.pom      
opensaml-xacml-api    	: 4.1.0       	NOT found in war	opensaml-bom.pom      
opensaml-xacml-impl   	: 4.1.0       	NOT found in war	opensaml-bom.pom      
opensaml-xacml-saml-api	: 4.1.0       	NOT found in war	opensaml-bom.pom      
opensaml-xacml-saml-impl	: 4.1.0       	NOT found in war	opensaml-bom.pom      
opensaml-xmlsec-api   	: 4.1.0       	Found in war	opensaml-bom.pom      
opensaml-xmlsec-impl  	: 4.1.0       	Found in war	opensaml-bom.pom      
slf4j-api             	: 1.7.30      	Found in war	parent.pom            
spring-aop            	: 5.3.7       	VERSION MISMATCH - found 5.3.5
spring-aspects        	: 5.3.7       	NOT found in war	spring-framework-bom.pom
spring-beans          	: 5.3.7       	VERSION MISMATCH - found 5.3.5
spring-context        	: 5.3.7       	VERSION MISMATCH - found 5.3.5
spring-context-indexer	: 5.3.7       	NOT found in war	spring-framework-bom.pom
spring-context-support	: 5.3.7       	NOT found in war	spring-framework-bom.pom
spring-core           	: 5.3.7       	VERSION MISMATCH - found 5.3.5
spring-expression     	: 5.3.7       	VERSION MISMATCH - found 5.3.5
spring-extensions     	: 6.1.2       	Found in war	pom.xml               
spring-instrument     	: 5.3.7       	NOT found in war	spring-framework-bom.pom
spring-jcl            	: 5.3.7       	VERSION MISMATCH - found 5.3.5
spring-jdbc           	: 5.3.7       	VERSION MISMATCH - found 5.3.5
spring-jms            	: 5.3.7       	NOT found in war	spring-framework-bom.pom
spring-messaging      	: 5.3.7       	NOT found in war	spring-framework-bom.pom
spring-orm            	: 5.3.7       	VERSION MISMATCH - found 5.3.5
spring-oxm            	: 5.3.7       	NOT found in war	spring-framework-bom.pom
spring-r2dbc          	: 5.3.7       	NOT found in war	spring-framework-bom.pom
spring-test           	: 5.3.7       	NOT found in war	spring-framework-bom.pom
spring-tx             	: 5.3.7       	VERSION MISMATCH - found 5.3.5
spring-web            	: 5.3.7       	VERSION MISMATCH - found 5.3.5
spring-webflow        	: 2.5.1.RELEASE	Found in war	parent.pom            
spring-webflow        	: 2.5.1.RELEASE	DUPLICATE artifact	pom.xml               
spring-webflux        	: 5.3.7       	NOT found in war	spring-framework-bom.pom
spring-webmvc         	: 5.3.7       	VERSION MISMATCH - found 5.3.5
spring-websocket      	: 5.3.7       	NOT found in war	spring-framework-bom.pom
unboundid-ldapsdk     	: 4.0.14      	Found in war	parent.pom            
velocity-engine-core  	: 2.3         	Found in war	parent.pom            
xmlsec                	: 2.1.6       	Found in war	parent.pom            

2 Duplicate names

100 dependencies, 46 found, 41 not found, 11 mismatched

Dependency Sources
annotations                        	: 17.0.0      	Contributed by jsonapi-converter-0.10
antlr                              	: 2.7.7       	Contributed by hibernate-core-5.4.29.Final, opensaml-storage-impl-4.1.0
byte-buddy                         	: 1.10.21     	Contributed by hibernate-core-5.4.29.Final, opensaml-storage-impl-4.1.0
checker-qual                       	: 3.8.0       	Contributed by java-support-8.2.0, opensaml-core-4.1.0, opensaml-messaging-api-4.1.0, opensaml-messaging-impl-4.1.0, opensaml-profile-api-4.1.0, opensaml-profile-impl-4.1.0, opensaml-saml-api-4.1.0, opensaml-saml-impl-4.1.0, opensaml-security-api-4.1.0, opensaml-security-impl-4.1.0, opensaml-soap-api-4.1.0, opensaml-soap-impl-4.1.0, opensaml-storage-api-4.1.0, opensaml-storage-impl-4.1.0, opensaml-xmlsec-api-4.1.0, opensaml-xmlsec-impl-4.1.0, spring-extensions-6.1.2
classmate                          	: 1.5.1       	Contributed by hibernate-core-5.4.29.Final, opensaml-storage-impl-4.1.0
commons-cli                        	: 1.4         	Contributed by ldaptive-1.3.0, opensaml-storage-impl-4.1.0
commons-lang3                      	: 3.11        	Contributed by opensaml-saml-impl-4.1.0, velocity-engine-core-2.3
commons-pool2                      	: 2.8.1       	Contributed by commons-dbcp2-2.8.0
dom4j                              	: 2.1.3       	Contributed by hibernate-core-5.4.29.Final, opensaml-storage-impl-4.1.0
error_prone_annotations            	: 2.5.1       	Contributed by java-support-8.2.0, opensaml-core-4.1.0, opensaml-messaging-api-4.1.0, opensaml-messaging-impl-4.1.0, opensaml-profile-api-4.1.0, opensaml-profile-impl-4.1.0, opensaml-saml-api-4.1.0, opensaml-saml-impl-4.1.0, opensaml-security-api-4.1.0, opensaml-security-impl-4.1.0, opensaml-soap-api-4.1.0, opensaml-soap-impl-4.1.0, opensaml-storage-api-4.1.0, opensaml-storage-impl-4.1.0, opensaml-xmlsec-api-4.1.0, opensaml-xmlsec-impl-4.1.0, spring-extensions-6.1.2
failureaccess                      	: 1.0.1       	Contributed by java-support-8.2.0, opensaml-core-4.1.0, opensaml-messaging-api-4.1.0, opensaml-messaging-impl-4.1.0, opensaml-profile-api-4.1.0, opensaml-profile-impl-4.1.0, opensaml-saml-api-4.1.0, opensaml-saml-impl-4.1.0, opensaml-security-api-4.1.0, opensaml-security-impl-4.1.0, opensaml-soap-api-4.1.0, opensaml-soap-impl-4.1.0, opensaml-storage-api-4.1.0, opensaml-storage-impl-4.1.0, opensaml-xmlsec-api-4.1.0, opensaml-xmlsec-impl-4.1.0, spring-extensions-6.1.2
guava-30.1.1                       	: jre         	Contributed by java-support-8.2.0, opensaml-core-4.1.0, opensaml-messaging-api-4.1.0, opensaml-messaging-impl-4.1.0, opensaml-profile-api-4.1.0, opensaml-profile-impl-4.1.0, opensaml-saml-api-4.1.0, opensaml-saml-impl-4.1.0, opensaml-security-api-4.1.0, opensaml-security-impl-4.1.0, opensaml-soap-api-4.1.0, opensaml-soap-impl-4.1.0, opensaml-storage-api-4.1.0, opensaml-storage-impl-4.1.0, opensaml-xmlsec-api-4.1.0, opensaml-xmlsec-impl-4.1.0, spring-extensions-6.1.2
hibernate-commons-annotations      	: 5.1.2.Final 	Contributed by hibernate-core-5.4.29.Final, opensaml-storage-impl-4.1.0
idwsfconsumer                      	: 2.1.0       	No source artefact found
istack-commons-runtime             	: 3.0.11      	Contributed by hibernate-core-5.4.29.Final, opensaml-profile-impl-4.1.0, opensaml-saml-api-4.1.0, opensaml-saml-impl-4.1.0, opensaml-soap-api-4.1.0, opensaml-soap-impl-4.1.0, opensaml-storage-impl-4.1.0, opensaml-xmlsec-api-4.1.0, opensaml-xmlsec-impl-4.1.0, xmlsec-2.1.6
j2objc-annotations                 	: 1.3         	Contributed by java-support-8.2.0, opensaml-core-4.1.0, opensaml-messaging-api-4.1.0, opensaml-messaging-impl-4.1.0, opensaml-profile-api-4.1.0, opensaml-profile-impl-4.1.0, opensaml-saml-api-4.1.0, opensaml-saml-impl-4.1.0, opensaml-security-api-4.1.0, opensaml-security-impl-4.1.0, opensaml-soap-api-4.1.0, opensaml-soap-impl-4.1.0, opensaml-storage-api-4.1.0, opensaml-storage-impl-4.1.0, opensaml-xmlsec-api-4.1.0, opensaml-xmlsec-impl-4.1.0, spring-extensions-6.1.2
jakarta.activation                 	: 1.2.2       	Contributed by hibernate-core-5.4.29.Final, opensaml-profile-impl-4.1.0, opensaml-saml-api-4.1.0, opensaml-saml-impl-4.1.0, opensaml-soap-api-4.1.0, opensaml-soap-impl-4.1.0, opensaml-storage-impl-4.1.0, opensaml-xmlsec-api-4.1.0, opensaml-xmlsec-impl-4.1.0, xmlsec-2.1.6
jakarta.json                       	: 1.1.6       	Contributed by opensaml-storage-impl-4.1.0
jandex                             	: 2.2.3.Final 	Contributed by hibernate-core-5.4.29.Final, opensaml-storage-impl-4.1.0
javassist-3.27.0                   	: GA          	Contributed by hibernate-core-5.4.29.Final, opensaml-storage-impl-4.1.0
javax.persistence-api              	: 2.2         	Contributed by hibernate-core-5.4.29.Final, opensaml-storage-impl-4.1.0
jaxb-runtime                       	: 2.3.3       	Contributed by hibernate-core-5.4.29.Final, opensaml-profile-impl-4.1.0, opensaml-saml-api-4.1.0, opensaml-saml-impl-4.1.0, opensaml-soap-api-4.1.0, opensaml-soap-impl-4.1.0, opensaml-storage-impl-4.1.0, opensaml-xmlsec-api-4.1.0, opensaml-xmlsec-impl-4.1.0, xmlsec-2.1.6
jboss-logging                      	: 3.4.1.Final 	Contributed by hibernate-core-5.4.29.Final, opensaml-storage-impl-4.1.0
jboss-transaction-api_1.2_spec     	: 1.1.1.Final 	Contributed by hibernate-core-5.4.29.Final, opensaml-storage-impl-4.1.0
listenablefuture-9999.0-empty-to-avoid-conflict-with	: guava       	Contributed by java-support-8.2.0, opensaml-core-4.1.0, opensaml-messaging-api-4.1.0, opensaml-messaging-impl-4.1.0, opensaml-profile-api-4.1.0, opensaml-profile-impl-4.1.0, opensaml-saml-api-4.1.0, opensaml-saml-impl-4.1.0, opensaml-security-api-4.1.0, opensaml-security-impl-4.1.0, opensaml-soap-api-4.1.0, opensaml-soap-impl-4.1.0, opensaml-storage-api-4.1.0, opensaml-storage-impl-4.1.0, opensaml-xmlsec-api-4.1.0, opensaml-xmlsec-impl-4.1.0, spring-extensions-6.1.2
logback-core                       	: 1.2.3       	No source artefact found
spring-binding                     	: 2.5.1.RELEASE	Contributed by spring-webflow-2.5.1.RELEASE
spymemcached                       	: 2.12.3      	Contributed by opensaml-storage-impl-4.1.0
stax2-api                          	: 3.1.4       	Contributed by opensaml-profile-impl-4.1.0, opensaml-saml-api-4.1.0, opensaml-saml-impl-4.1.0, opensaml-soap-api-4.1.0, opensaml-soap-impl-4.1.0, opensaml-xmlsec-api-4.1.0, opensaml-xmlsec-impl-4.1.0, xmlsec-2.1.6
txw2                               	: 2.3.3       	Contributed by hibernate-core-5.4.29.Final, opensaml-profile-impl-4.1.0, opensaml-saml-api-4.1.0, opensaml-saml-impl-4.1.0, opensaml-soap-api-4.1.0, opensaml-soap-impl-4.1.0, opensaml-storage-impl-4.1.0, opensaml-xmlsec-api-4.1.0, opensaml-xmlsec-impl-4.1.0, xmlsec-2.1.6
woodstox-core                      	: 5.0.3       	Contributed by opensaml-profile-impl-4.1.0, opensaml-saml-api-4.1.0, opensaml-saml-impl-4.1.0, opensaml-soap-api-4.1.0, opensaml-soap-impl-4.1.0, opensaml-xmlsec-api-4.1.0, opensaml-xmlsec-impl-4.1.0, xmlsec-2.1.6
0 Version mismatches, 2 lost artifacts

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