Shibboleth Developer's Meeting, 2018-04-06
Call Administrivia
10:00 Central US / 11:00 Eastern US / 16:00 UK
Calls are normally the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month. Next call would be Friday 2018-04-20. Any reason to deviate from this?
60 to 90 minute call window.
This week's call will use the Zoom system at GU, see ZoomGU for access info.
- SOAP Client and SAML 2 Artifact decoder
- Lots o' progress. It's functional now in SP testing. Still some work remaining on TLS vs signing, plus some unit tests and other odds/ends.
- When we ship this in 3.4, should we enable the artifact index in batch metadata resolvers now by default? There are arguments both ways.
- Java 9 now "old and busted":
- 9.0.4 last patch release.
- I'd nevertheless suggest that we continue to cross-test against Java 9 until we think we have moved completely past it; Java 11 release perhaps?
- Java 10 is "the new hotness".
- Java 11:
- "Proposed to target Java 11": new HTTP client, incubated as JEP 110, now JEP 321. Introduction here. Includes HTTP/2, Not clear if this is actually a replacement for Apache HttpClient for our purposes, but that seems to be the intention. Do we want to investigate, given that the Apache client needs to be bumped anyway?
- New wiki page on Java Product Platforms:
- Please review; I'd like to convert this to policy "soon" in some sense. Agenda item next time?
- Critical decision points:
- What we say about support of post-Java-11 non-LTS releases
- Support of Java 11 by Java 7 platform
- IdP V4: Java 8 or Java 11?
- New set of wiki pages on Java Versions:
- Java 7 (LTS), Java 8 (LTS), Java 9, Java 10, Java 11 (18.9 LTS).
- Idea is to have a place to collate all information that might be significant to us about what happens in each release.
- - JPAR-116Getting issue details... STATUS from last meeting: any thoughts since then? If not, will remove links to our products from parent project and rebuild them in each dependent project.
- Researching OAuth, OIDC. Brain hurts.
- SP Odds and Sods.
- - SSPCPP-761Getting issue details... STATUS
- To paraphrase Ian
SSPCPP-730Getting issue details...
encoding: Brain hurts
- SP package mirroring
- - SSPCPP-731Getting issue details... STATUS , 8 hours for one missing character
- - SSPCPP-350Getting issue details... STATUS
- Exploring dynamic metadata in IdP, several issues opened
- joda-time replacement
- Not much change since last week
- Jetty 9.4 tests pass on Windows
- Some Java 10 tests do not
- Reviewed Jetty and Tomcat default TLS cipher suites and protocols
- TODO Windows and conditional:resources
- Prob will ask Ian to take a second-look at Jenkins' Windows Slave config and OpenJDK JAVA_HOME
- Jenkins : should we attempt building the IdP including the Maven site with each version of Java ?