

Shibboleth Developer's Meeting, May 17, 2013

Attendees: Scott, Tom, Rod, Brent, Daniel, Marvin, Bill Thompson, Mike Grady, Dima (didn't get last name)

Call Administrivia

Next call is next Friday.

60 to 90 minute call window.


Finished out most refactoring of v2 SecurityPolicyRules to v3 MessageHandler API.  Still needs a little more work on components related to tracking authN of the transport, message and entity. Thinking on that.

Started work on a testbed project to wire up and run messaging components in actual WebFlow flows in an real servlet container (using Maven Jetty plugin).







Made a helpful contribution to StorageService API through discussion and patch.


After a review with Tom, started refactoring the attribute-filter-api.  This will be followed by suitable refactoring for attribute-filter-impl (potentially after review).

With Scott's assistance, working on SAML Attribute ->IdP Attribute mapping.


Discussed possible improvements to storage API with Marvin, no time yet to circle back and work on that.

Worked on slides for upcoming Virtual WG session on Monday, will discuss consortium status, 2.4 IdP, a bit on 3.0 progress, and mentioning the SP patch.

Rest of time spent on open bugs with the SP and related libraries, looking at early June for 2.5.2 release.


AI : Tom should send note regarding next steps for security configuration.




Coding convention : getLdapUrl or getLDAPURL ?