September Update

September Update

One priority of late has been to begin moving our development platform to Java 8 (and eventually 9 once it's out) by reorganizing our Maven parent project structure and establishing a new versioning scheme that will allow us to maintain both the current Java 7 code bases and start moving some of our work forward. The initial target for this work is the Metadata Aggregator, which will be the first product released requiring Java 9. This will necessitate creating maintenance branches for some of our libraries so they can be co-developed for both platforms for the rest of the life of IdP V3.

The other major area of work has been to rescue two of the SP's essentially dead dependencies and produce new releases. Xerces V3.2.0 was released last month at a cost of about 60-70 hours of project time. In addition to some general bug fixing, this release includes a greatly valuable feature allowing us to programmatically disable DTD processing in the parser in a future SP revision, limiting our exposure to a likely unending stream of security bugs in that code. The other major benefit is that we will be able to package this version in a manner that no longer conflicts with packages from Red Hat, allowing us to base the SP packages on a maintained version of the library. Red Hat has left security issues in this library unpatched for over a year so we saw no alternative but to invest the time.

We are currently working to produce a new revision of the Santuario xml-security library, primarily to address small compiler compatibility issues and to allow us to package a more minimal build of the library that excludes large sections of unsupportable code we don't use and don't need, again in the interest of reducing our attack surface.

Once this is complete, work can begin in earnest on the SP and on moving the documentation to a new wiki space. We will also have a simpler, more repeatable build process on Windows and will be moving the code base to the latest Microsoft tools. To some extent this is a race against time, but there's always the chance we'll need to do security patches for the current version in the interim.

We have a bug fix release of the IdP coming in early October which we'll be finishing up during the rest of this month, and we are working to wrap up work on some new modular configuration examples for Jetty 9.4 that will eventually find their way into the IdP.

Our intention is to finalize our plans for the new support changes in the next few days and announce a timeline for establishing the new support mechanisms for our Consortium Members.

Next month a couple of us will be at Tech Exchange, and we should hopefully be able to provide an update on the GÉANT-funded OpenID Connect work.

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