
The V3 SP installer no longer provides the option to install the old-style ISAPI filter, but on a machine with V2 previously installed, the old isapi_shib.dll plugin is upgraded and left in place.

The 32-bit web server modules can function with a 64-bit shibd service, so there is no need to install a 32-bit shibd to handle 32-bit app pools.

Upgrading from ISAPI to the New Module

In order to configure the new IIS7 plugin, you must "deconfigure" the ISAPI filter and extension and configure the new module.

Deconfiguring the Old Plugin

Before making any configuration changes to IIS, backup up your system appropriately. Although the overlay installer undoes its own configuration it will not revert any configuration that you change.

Configuring the New Plugin

This is best done from the command line (you will also need Admin privileges). From the C:\Windows\System32\InetSrv directory:

appcmd install module /name:ShibNative32 /image:"c:\opt\shibboleth-sp\lib\shibboleth\iis7_shib.dll" /precondition:bitness32
appcmd install module /name:ShibNative /image:"c:\opt\shibboleth-sp\lib64\shibboleth\iis7_shib.dll" /precondition:bitness64

(Obviously on a 32-bit machine only the first line is required).

There should be no immediate need to make any changes to the shibboleth2.xml file, nor even to restart shibd, but it is best to reboot at this stage (or if the configuration ever seems to "stick"). Retest, bearing in mind that an unchanged configuration will not be setting headers but will be setting variables.

If the ISAPI module is still configured the following tell-tales will indicate this:

  1. The event viewer ("Windows Logs\Application") may show a warning.
  2. An attempt to access a protected resource will return a failure (status 500) and the native log output will have the following line:

    ERROR Shibboleth.NATIVE [<pid>] native_shib: Shibboleth handler invoked at an unconfigured location.

    This indicates that configuration for the ISAPI filter is still active somewhere.

Configuration and Behavioral Changes

The IIS7 plugin is fully defined in the <ISAPI> documentation; the following changes should be noted:

<ISAPI normalizeRequest="true" safeHeaderNames="true">
    <Roles roleAttributes="ePa ePsa" />
	<Site id="1" name=""/>

The first site will be given the host name