This is the accumulated knowledge we have on the issues with the wiki editor(s), converting from old to new, and the conventions we have for the content to keep things as consistent as possible. Much of the documentation may not entirely follow these conventions due to age, different authors, the previous lack of real advice, and because there are always situational exceptions.

Editor Differences

The original content was built using what is termed the “legacy” or “old” editor that was used with Confluence Server. This editor was much more functional and useful than the “new” editor that the Cloud version favors, so the differences are quite significant. Unfortunately while the newly-formatted content is much less readable in a number of ways, Atlassian isn’t going to maintain the original editor and has already broken content in the old format once and we expect will do so again. So we have no choice but to convert the most important older pages, and new content really has to be built with the new editor, so the devil must be paid.

Chief differences and bugs/gaps:

More will certainly emerge as we find new bugs and limitations.

Converting Pages

As a general guide to converting pages from the old format, be aware of the differences noted above and the following tips.

Incompatible Content

Before converting a page, as much as possible needs to be cleaned up to make sure the conversion button is “green” and not “yellow”. Yellow indicates content problems that in some cases need to be fixed first. Usually this will be due to macro incompatibilities, such as the nesting issue noted above. The two most common issues will be the need to update to the non-deprecated Tab macro idiom (discussed below) and the need to eliminate Code macros nested inside warning/note/tip boxes.

In a few cases, it may not be possible to fix everything, but you should be aware that it may be impossible to fully edit converted content that’s not fully compatible so it’s usually best to leave such pages for further review.

Always Publish/Save the updated content before you convert. It is extremely easy to do a ton of cleanup on the page and then hit convert. You’ve just lost all of your cleanup and the converted page will include all of the old issues you tried to fix. Once you do it about twleve times, you’ll stop forgetting. Somewhere an evil imp inside Atlassian HQ is laughing at your pain.


  1. Make sure the table is full width (this goes hand in hand with making the pages full width).

  2. Make sure that the tables do not contain any monospace/code formatting. This used to be a common convention for XML Attribute and Element names but the new editor does not allow monospace formatting to coexist with hyperlinks (the evil Atlassian imp cackles in glee). Equally the conversion is uneven; sometimes code comes out as monospace, but sometimes in a code macro. Finally monospace/code formatting looks particularly ugly inside a table.

  3. After final cleanup, adjust the table column widths to be “reasonable” given a portrait view of the page. This is subjective, but it basically means mostly expanding the column to fit the content except for the Description columns. Also, beware of the right edge of the table being far off the page. You may need to zoom out to grab it and pull it back inside the page to avoid the table stretching way beyond the page view.


The Tab add-on was a mistake in hindsight because we didn’t know this Cloud migration was coming, and it’s much slower and less reliable in the Cloud (imp cackles again). With the lack of an obvious replacement approach right now, and a lot of content using it, there’s nothing for it but to hope it improves, so for the time being we just have to leave it.

Because of the nesting bug mentioned above, the original macros we used are deprecated and replaced by new versions that are somewhat easier to use in general but are a big pain to convert because all the content inside the old macro has to be moved outside it.

The starting point conceptually is:

The goal is:

So you start at the top of the tab group, add a tab-in-group per tab, and then cut-and-paste the content from inside the old macro. Don’t forget to make sure that the tab’s title corresponds. It is a bit tricky to cut and paste inside a tab (you tend to collect the containing macro) but adding some text before and after aid selection, especially so with tables. After a while muscle memory cuts in.

Code Expansion

With larger code snippets that are outside tabs, remember to add an Expand macro around the converted snippet macro to get back the collapsible feature. With tabs, this is impossible, so it’s a judgement call. In some cases, it might be possible to reorganize the content a bit to eliminate the tab, or it may be ok to leave the snippet expanded since it’s invisible unless the tab is selected.

In extreme cases, it is possible to work around the issue by creating a child page with the content and then including it in the tab, but this obviously gets ugly fast since editing the included content is very inconvenient.


As noted, any links using monospace text have to be fixed by removing the style and recreating the link.

Other links should generally convert ok, but checking them is usually a good idea. Be on the lookup for any remaining hardwired links that need to be adjusted to become true wiki topic links.

Jira macros may need review, as they may not convert properly, and may be pointing to the old Jira instance as well.

Finally, beware of the (new in the last 10 days) pulldown giving you the choice of DisplatyUrl/DisplayAsLink/DisplayAsCard. This is can be a one way journey requiring a lot of Undo operations to get back content.

Warning and Errors and Info

The title will come in as a 'Heading 3' which will then be rendered in the table of contents. You may want to make it 'Normal text` (ctrl-\) and then bold (ctrl-b)

Style Conventions

The best convention is really “do what’s already done”, so copying existing pages with a similar layout is generally the best thing to do. The following is really just a reverse engineered summary of the general approach used.

Javadoc Links

With shortcut links now broken, we have no choice but to spell out the links to the redirectors we use for these and just never break them.

Each script is used by linking to it and including the fully-qualified class name in the path, using either dots or slashes as separators.

The last one has the additional feature of a query string module parameter to point at the right module:

For example, linking to the DataSource class would be