
A set of built-in transcoders supporting the CAS <cas:attribute> feature. Most of them support a common set of properties, documented below; a few other properties are defined for specific transcoder types. Since they largely all do the same thing in the same way, they're documented here together.

Common Properties

In addition to the generic properties, all CAS transcoders support the following optional property:

cas.nameStringWhen encoding, the input IdPAttribute's ID and when decoding, the "id" property in the ruleThe <cas:name> to map to and from

Transcoder Types

There are 2 built-in subtypes of CAS transcoders, as follows. Each one is predefined as a Spring bean for use in rules using the "short" name of the class, as enumerated in the TranscodingRuleConfiguration reference section.


The simplest and most commonly used transcoder, it supports encoding and decoding internal values from and to the StringAttributeValue class. It supports no additional properties.


It supports encoding and decoding internal values from and to the ScopedStringAttributeValue class. It supports the following optional property:

cas.scopeDelimiterString@The character(s) to use to separate the value and scope