The latest ratified version of this document can be found at

All contributions of code or other intellectual property to the Shibboleth Project (hereafter referred to as "the project") must be made in accordance with the following terms:

Any source code or other intellectual property produced for, or donated to, the project must either:

An example of the latter would be any contribution provided with an Internet2 Individual or Company Contributor SLA, which have historically formed the basis of much of the project code base.

Further, contributors must warrant:

Contributors also agree to notify the Shibboleth Project of any information discovered subsequent to contribution that would render the above warranties inaccurate.

Contributions need not include a transfer of actual copyright, and contributors may request that an appropriate copyright notice be included with any distributed work containing the contribution. No other identification of copyright can be required, including but not limited to specific copyright attachments to the contribution itself as it may be found within works distributed by the project or distributed by other recipients of such works.

The above does not provide for a specific legal agreement between a contributor and the project, but any contribution will be accepted by the Project Management Committee only when compliant with it.