Source Code Access

Shibboleth and OpenSAML use Subversion (SVN), as their source control system. As such, in order to access the code repositories, you'll need a subversion client. You can find a list of them by using your favorite search engine.

New Infrastructure Subversion Repositories

Repository URL:[REPO_NAME]
Web View:[REPO_NAME]

Links to view (not checkout code from) the current repositories are:




C++ XMLTooling library


C++ OpenSAML, version 2 library


Fork of log4cpp with loads of fixes


C++ Shibboleth SP


Java XMLTooling library.


Java OpenWS library.


Java OpenSAML, version 2 library.


Project that uses SVN externals to check out the latest source revision (HEAD) java-xmltooling, java-openws, and java-opensaml2 and comes with a Maven aggregation POM that can be used to build those three projects together and aggregate their javadoc, junit, and jxr reports. Note: This project is not available on SVN mirrors.


Java Shibboleth Common Library.


Java Shibboleth Identity Provider, version 2.


Project that uses SVN externals to check out the latest source (HEAD) revision for java-shib-common and java-idp and comes with a Maven aggregation POM that can be used to build those projects together and aggregate their javadoc, junit, and jxr reports. Note: This project is not available on SVN mirrors.


Java IdP Centralized Discovery Service (WAYF)


Next Generation discovery


Various extensions/add-ons related to Shibboleth.


Various utilities related to Shibboleth.

Building the Java Source Code

The shibboleth project uses Apache Maven 2 as its build system and as such you will need Maven installed if you wish to build Shibboleth from source.


It is recommended that you use the java-idp-main repository, REL_2 branch, when building the Java IdP. This repository contains SVN externals that causes the latest java-shib-common and java-idp code to be checked out as well. It also contains a Maven project file that will build both projects. The final results will be in the java-idp/target directory. Additional the project will aggregate the junit, javadoc, and jxr reports and place them in the java-idp-main/target/site directory.

To build everything use the following commands:

$ cd /tmp
$ svn co java-opensaml2-main
$ cd java-opensaml2-main
$ mvn -P release -DskipTests install

This will install the OpenSAML2 files and dependencies in your local Maven repository.

$ cd /tmp
$ svn co java-shib-idp2-main
$ cd java-shib-idp2-main
$ mvn -P release -DskipTests install

The resulting files will be in the java-shib-idp2-main/java-shib-idp2/target directory.

Discovery Service

Checkout the java-wayf, REL_1 branch. Run mvn install

Building the C++ Source Code

The various projects that contain C++ source are offered with both Windows IDE project files and autoconf-based Unix packages using the standard configure/make/make install sequence. Detailed information on source builds is available from the OS-specific pages linked on the Installation topic. There's also a page describing theĀ overall C++ development process.