Identity Provider Troubleshooting Tactics

If the IdP doesn't start up

First, check the IdP process logs. Only the most severe and exotic errors can cause the IdP to abort without writing something in this log file. If there is no error in this file, check your servlet container logs. Any error that results prevents the IdP from writing to its process log is connected to the servlet container being unable to even load the IdP classes (e.g. because the WAR file is corrupt).

If the IdP is not responding to requests as expected

First, change the logging level level for the edu.internet2.middleware.shibboleth to DEBUG. If, after reviewing the logs, the cause of the behavior is not obvious you may need also need to change logging of org.opensaml to DEBUG. You need not restart the IdP for these changes to take effect. The IdP checks the logging configuration file for changes every 5 minutes. Also, while the Shibboleth 2 logging system is much more efficient than system used in previous versions you should never run a production IdP on debug level during normal operations. Sensitive information may be logged and the log files will quickly grow to an unmanageable size.