This element is only available in V3.4 and later


This element defines an attribute input to the containing AttributeDefinition or DataConnector.

This element is defined by the urn:mace:shibboleth:2.0:resolver schema, which is located at





This is the identifier of an Attribute Defintion


The precise semantics of this element depend on the type of the enclosing AttributeDefinition or DataConnector.

Multi-Attribute definitions

Multi-attribute definitions refers to AttributeDefinitions or DataConnectors which consume multiple attributes. The current supported definitions are:

In this case the attribute and all its values are made available to the enclosing definition.  If an attribute of the same name has already been provided, then the values are combined.

Multi-Value Definitions

Multi-value definitions refers to AttributeDefinitions or DataConnectors which consume attribute values. These values are often, but not always, from one definition. Nearly all attribute definitions are multi-value. The deprecated ComputedIdConnector is a degenerate Multi-Value Definition in that it requires a single value (which may come from multiple sources, all but one of which would be empty).

In this case all the attribute values are made available. Values from multiple attributes are combined.