The <RequestMapper> element configures the component used by the SP to map incoming requests to the set of configuration options that should be applied. You can think of it as a portable equivalent of the Apache <Location> feature, which associates Apache directives with specific URLs. Like that feature, the request mapper operates based on URL, not on the physical path of files.

Another critical role of the request mapper is to map each request to the appropriate Shibboleth application, thereby connecting the resource-oriented settings to the more general behavior defined per-application.

For a general overview with examples, see the request mapper HOWTO.

While Apache-based deployments can rely entirely on Apache functionality for this purpose, IIS provides no such capability. The request mapper allows the SP to insulate itself from the differences between servers.

Omitting this element will result in a "Native" plugin with an empty/default configuration. This empty configuration maps all requests to default application settings and adds no other settings, unless overridden by web server-specific options.

The RequestMapper is a Reloadable XML File.


Two different type of Request Mapper are available



NativeA request Mapper which integrates with the native web server.


An internal (to the SP) request mapper.

Attributes and Child Elements

These are detailed in for each Mapper type.
