Building the SP from Source on Linux

The following installation procedure will build the Shibboleth SP and all its dependencies. Completion of the instructions will result in a functional and loaded but unconfigured SP installed under /opt/shibboleth-sp. If you'd like to use an alternative directory, modify all paths accordingly.

Building Shibboleth

Building Shibboleth requires building or obtaining a cascade of dependent projects.  

At this stage you should build the products which make up the Shibboleth project.

Finally build the SP.  When building Shibboleth, you can usually rely on the configure script to detect your Apache version and do the right thing, but in special cases, you can pass various options to control the Apache module version and locate the apxs script to use.

./configure --with-log4shib=/opt/shibboleth-sp --enable-apache-13 --with-apxs=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs --enable-apache-20 --with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs --prefix=/opt/shibboleth-sp

Basic Configuration

The basics are covered under the RPMInstall topic, but the file locations in a source build will generally be "self-contained" under a common prefix.

Additional considerations: