Advanced Configuration

Note, this is an advanced configuration feature. Most deployments can rely on the <SSO> shorthand element.

Indicated by type="Cookie", this initiator checks for a cookie maintained as part of the SP's IdP history feature and uses it to obtain the entityID to use for later SessionInitiator handlers in a chain. This handler doesn't actually cause a response to the browser, but it generally runs first in a chain, and allows the entityID to be set before other handlers run. As a discovery handler, no entityID can be known (or the handler will silently ignore the request, since discovery would serve no purpose).

The SP's IdP history can be enabled via the idpHistory attribute on the <Sessions> element.


Common Attributes

Specific Attributes








If true, a cookie containing more than one IdP will still be used to derive an entityID (with the last/most recent entityID used). If false, only a cookie with a single entityID in it will be followed.

Query String Parameters 

The following can be provided via the Initiator Protocol

Common Parameters

Specific Parameters

There are no protocol specific parameters