During the execution of a BrowserProfile, when the user authenticates at the SSO service, the IdentityProvider typically issues the user a special type of NameIdentifier called a ShibHandle in conjunction with the authentication assertion. At that point, the !IdP may cache the identifier so it can subsequently map that identifier to the actual principal upon request.
In Shibboleth, the identifier and the principal are represented by objects of type SAMLNameIdentifier
and LocalPrincipal
, respectively:
import org.opensaml.SAMLNameIdentifier; import edu.internet2.middleware.shibboleth.common.LocalPrincipal; |
is an OpenSAML construct while LocalPrincipal
implements java.security.Principal
. As users enter and leave the system, a one-to-one correspondence between SAMLNameIdentifier
and LocalPrincipal
is maintained by the !IdP.
Shibboleth's code handling of this mapping is based on the NameIdentifierMapping
package edu.internet2.middleware.shibboleth.common; public interface NameIdentifierMapping { public String getId(); public URI getNameIdentifierFormat(); public LocalPrincipal getPrincipal(SAMLNameIdentifier nameId, ServiceProvider sp, IdentityProvider idp); public SAMLNameIdentifier getNameIdentifier(LocalPrincipal principal, ServiceProvider sp, IdentityProvider idp); public void destroy(); } |
The primary methods of the interface are getPrincipal
and getNameIdentifier
, which represent the desired mapping between LocalPrincipal
and SAMLNameIdentifier
The abstract class BaseNameIdentifierMapping
is the superclass of all implementations of the NameIdentifierMapping
package edu.internet2.middleware.shibboleth.common.provider; public abstract class BaseNameIdentifierMapping implements NameIdentifierMapping; |
implements methods getId
and getNameIdentifierFormat
(which correspond to a pair of configuration options) but does not implement the methods getPrincipal
and getNameIdentifier
(which are left to subclasses).
The simplest implementation of NameIdentifierMapping
is PrincipalNameIdentifier
, which maps the value of the <saml:NameIdentifier>
element directly to a local principal of the same name.
package edu.internet2.middleware.shibboleth.common.provider; public class PrincipalNameIdentifier extends BaseNameIdentifierMapping; |
The PrincipalNameIdentifier
mapping is used whenever the principal name and the value of the <saml:NameIdentifier>
element are identical.
Another implementation of NameIdentifierMapping
called X509SubjectNameNameIdentifierMapping
was originally developed for e-authentication conformance testing:
package edu.internet2.middleware.shibboleth.common.provider; public class X509SubjectNameNameIdentifierMapping extends BaseNameIdentifierMapping implements NameIdentifierMapping; |
assumes the principal name is embedded in the DN. In the getPrincipal
method, the principal name is extracted from the DN by regular expression matching.
Neither PrincipalNameIdentifier
nor X509SubjectNameNameIdentifierMapping
are very desirable in practice since they provide no privacy. To ensure privacy, an opaque identifier called a ShibHandle is used. Shibboleth handles are transient, that is, they have a relatively short lifetime. The lifetime of a Shibboleth handle is governed by a configuration option called handleTTL
(handle time-to-live), which is a member of the abstract class AQHNameIdentifierMapping
package edu.internet2.middleware.shibboleth.common.provider; public abstract class AQHNameIdentifierMapping extends BaseNameIdentifierMapping; |
Two important classes ( SharedMemoryShibHandle
and CryptoShibHandle=) extend =AQHNameIdentifierMapping
The default implementation of NameIdentifierMapping
is called SharedMemoryShibHandle
package edu.internet2.middleware.shibboleth.common.provider; public class SharedMemoryShibHandle extends AQHNameIdentifierMapping implements NameIdentifierMapping; |
, the Shibboleth workhorse implementation of NameIdentifierMapping
, defines a memory cache that is maintained as handles are generated or expired.
The most complicated implementation of NameIdentifierMapping
is called CryptoShibHandle
package edu.internet2.middleware.shibboleth.common.provider; public class CryptoShibHandle extends AQHNameIdentifierMapping implements NameIdentifierMapping; |
concatenates an initialization vector, an HMAC, an expiration time, and a principal name, which is then encrypted, encoded and inserted into the <saml:NameIdentifier>
element. (On the surface, an instance of CryptoShibHandle
looks just like an ordinary ShibHandle.) Later the AA decodes and decrypts the value of the <saml:NameIdentifier>
element to recover the principal name. No caching is required in this case.
presupposes a number of configuration options:
(optional)Reasonable defaults are provided for the optional config options listed above.
incorporates all of the above (except =X509SubjectNameNameIdentifierMapping=) to produce a fully functional implementation:
package edu.internet2.middleware.shibboleth.common; public class NameMapper; |
loads a default NameMapping element (if no such element is defined in the !IdP config file idp.xml). The default mapping is SharedMemoryShibHandle
with handleTTL
set to 1800 seconds.
defines two new configuration options called type
and class
. Each NameMapping element in idp.xml must have exactly one of the type
or class
attributes. A type
attribute refers to one of the three aliases (described below). A class
attribute is the fully qualified class name of an implementation of NameIdentifierMapping