to the root of the unpacked Xerces-C tarballconfigure
Commands$ OpenSSL: (not needed, just use what comes with your Linux)
$ LibCurl: (usually not needed, or use =./configure --disable-static --without-ca-bundle --enable-thread --prefix=/opt/shibboleth-sp=)
$ Log4Cpp: ./configure --disable-static --disable-doxygen --prefix=/opt/shibboleth-sp
$ [XercesC]: ./runConfigure -p linux -c gcc -x g++ -r pthread -b 32 -P /opt/shibboleth-sp
$ XmlSecurityC: ./configure --without-xalan --prefix=/opt/shibboleth-sp
$ OpenSAML: ./configure --with-curl=/opt/shibboleth-sp --with-log4cpp=/opt/shibboleth-sp --prefix=/opt/shibboleth-sp -C
$ Shibboleth: ./configure --with-saml=/opt/shibboleth-sp --with-log4cpp=/opt/shibboleth-sp --enable-apache-20 --with-apxs2=/usr/sbin/apxs --prefix=/opt/shibboleth-sp -C
export SSLLIBS="-L/usr/kerberos/lib -lssl -lcrypto -lgssapi_krb5 -lkrb5 -lcom_err -lk5crypto -lresolv -ldl -lz"
(you can omit -lssl
and -lcrypto
because the script adds them)export SSLFLAGS="-I/usr/kerberos/include"
(also use --enable-apache-13
to build the module for Apache httpd v1.3)--with-apxs2=/usr/bin/apxs2
to the lib path containing the dependencies and Shibboleth libraries (e.g. /opt/shibboleth-sp/lib
). This is required both in the script that starts the shibd
daemon and when starting Apache (so you might put it in /usr/sbin/apachectl).