<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

<!-- Shibboleth Identity Provider configuration -->

	xsi:schemaLocation="urn:mace:shibboleth:idp:config:1.0 ../schemas/shibboleth-idpconfig-1.0.xsd"

	<!-- This section contains configuration options that apply only to a site or group of sites
		This would normally be adjusted when a new federation or bilateral trust relationship is established -->
	<RelyingParty name="urn:mace:shibboleth:examples" signingCredential="example_cred"> <!-- (signingCredential) must correspond to a <Credential/> element below -->
		<NameID nameMapping="shm"/> <!-- (nameMapping) must correspond to a <NameMapping/> element below -->

	<!-- Configuration for the attribute release policy engine
		For most configurations this won't need adjustment -->
		<ArpRepository implementation="edu.internet2.middleware.shibboleth.aa.arp.provider.FileSystemArpRepository">

	<!-- Logging Configuration
		The defaults work fine in this section, but it is sometimes helpful to use "DEBUG" as the level for
		the <ErrorLog/> when trying to diagnose problems -->
		<ErrorLog level="WARN" location="$IDP_HOME$/logs/shib-error.log" />
		<TransactionLog level="INFO" location="$IDP_HOME$/logs/shib-access.log" />
	<!-- Uncomment the configuration section below and comment out the one above if you would like to manually configure log4j -->
		<Log4JConfig location="file:///tmp/log4j.properties" />
	</Logging> -->

	<!-- This configuration section determines how Shibboleth maps between SAML Subjects and local principals.
		The default mapping uses shibboleth handles, but other formats can be added.
		The mappings listed here are only active when they are referenced within a <RelyingParty/> element above -->

	<!-- Determines how SAML artifacts are stored and retrieved
		The (sourceLocation) attribute must be specified when using type 2 artifacts -->
	<ArtifactMapper implementation="edu.internet2.middleware.shibboleth.artifact.provider.MemoryArtifactMapper" />

	<!-- This configuration section determines the keys/certs to be used when signing SAML assertions -->
	<!-- The credentials listed here are used when referenced within <RelyingParty/> elements above -->
	<Credentials xmlns="urn:mace:shibboleth:credentials:1.0">
		<FileResolver Id="example_cred">

	<!-- Protocol handlers specify what type of requests the IdP can respond to.  The default set listed here should work
		for most configurations.  Modifications to this section may require modifications to the deployment descriptor -->
	<ProtocolHandler implementation="edu.internet2.middleware.shibboleth.idp.provider.ShibbolethV1SSOHandler">
		<Location>https?://[^:/]+(:(443|80))?/$IDP_WEBAPP_NAME$/SSO</Location> <!-- regex works when using default protocol ports -->
	<ProtocolHandler implementation="edu.internet2.middleware.shibboleth.idp.provider.SAMLv1_AttributeQueryHandler">
	<ProtocolHandler implementation="edu.internet2.middleware.shibboleth.idp.provider.SAMLv1_1ArtifactQueryHandler">
	<ProtocolHandler implementation="edu.internet2.middleware.shibboleth.idp.provider.Shibboleth_StatusHandler">

	<!-- This section configures the loading of SAML2 metadata, which contains information about system entities and
		how to authenticate them.  The metadatatool utility can be used to keep federation metadata files in synch.
		Metadata can also be placed directly within this these elements. -->
	<MetadataProvider type="edu.internet2.middleware.shibboleth.metadata.provider.XMLMetadata"

Element Details

<IdPConfig xmlns="urn:mace:shibboleth:idp:config:1.0"
	xsi:schemaLocation="urn:mace:shibboleth:idp:config:1.0 shibboleth-idpconfig-1.0.xsd"

This is the primary element of an IdP.xml file and is the container for every other element. It must appear once and only once. For most deployments, all the xmlns attributes, which specify the handlers for different aspects of internal IdP operation, should remain unchanged. The mandatory attributes must be changed before the IdP will successfully interoperate with other sites.

Protocol Handlers

The Shibboleth Identity Provider's capability to handle requests is divided into a set of protocol handlers that respond to different types of external calls to support the Shibboleth architecture and requests from other SAML-based applications. There are four main protocol handlers bundled with Shibboleth 1.3, each of which must be called out in a ProtocolHandler element to be functional. Each of these elements in turn contains one or more Location element specifying the URL's which that particular protocol handler will respond on. Some of these locations specified must match those protected by Apache and passed through mod_jk in order to function properly in some deployment setups.

A separate handler has been written to handle SSO requsts for eAuth compliance.

<ProtocolHandler implementation="classname">


<ProtocolHandler implementation="edu.internet2.middleware.shibboleth.idp.provider.ShibbolethV1SSOHandler">

This element defines an individual protocol handler referenced by the classname of the Java class implementing it. Additional attributes may be specified for particular protocol handlers as part of this element. The following protocol handlers are bundled with Shibboleth v1.3:


This element specifies a URL on which the encapsulating <ProtocolHandler> will listen.