Registrations in the urn:mace:shibboleth namespace

The Shibboleth project administers a Uniform Resource Name (URN) namespace supporting the assignment of parameters for use by the Shibboleth software package itself. This page lists registrations in the urn:mace:shibboleth namespace.

NameReference(s)Date registeredComment
1.0Shibboleth 1.0 architecture spec2003-07-01namespace for initial versions of Shibboleth-specific schema
arp:1.0Shibboleth 1.0 architecture spec2003-07-01initial version of Shibboleth Attribute Release Policy schema
resolver:1.0Shibboleth 1.0 architecture spec2003-07-01initial version of Shibboleth Attribute Resolver schema
1.0:attributeNamespace:uriSAML 1.1, section attribute namespace in which attribute names are URIs
1.0:nameIdentifierSAML 1.1, section NameIdentifier format for Shibboleth "handles"



Cantor, et al, "Shibboleth Architecture DRAFT v05", Shibboleth project, May 2002.


Maler, et al, "Assertions and Protocol for the OASIS Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) V1.1",OASIS, May 2003.