End of Life Warning

As of July 31, 2016, all security maintenance for the OpenSAML V2 Java release branch ceased. A complete schedule of the dates can be found here. All deployments should upgrade to V3 or evaluate other alternatives.

As of July 17th, 2018, all security maintenance for the OpenSAML V2 C++ release branch ceased. The author encourages anybody using that code to seek other options or, preferably, stop implementing SAML yourself and use an existing implementation. There are no plans to ever provide meaningful documentation or support for any use of that code outside the Shibboleth Project. Use it at your own risk.

Welcome to the OpenSAML website. OpenSAML is a set of open source C++ & Java libraries meant to support developers working with the Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML). OpenSAML 2, the current version, supports SAML 1.0, 1.1, and 2.0. Additionally, various development groups have found the framework created to support OpenSAML 2 useful for their own work. We are in the process of integrating their code supporting WS-Addressing, WS-Security, WS-Trust and XACML. 

The OpenSAML libraries do not provide a complete SAML identity or service provider. If you are looking for such software you should check out the Shibboleth project instead. Also, these libraries will not teach you any of the specifications listed above. The libraries are meant solely to support individuals who have taken the time to read and understand the specifications.

Before starting you may wish to check the Frequently Asked Questions.

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E-book - A Guide to OpenSAML

Projects Using OpenSAML

The following projects are those that we know to be using OpenSAML. There are probably others out there floating around, if you have such a project, add it to the list.

Thanks to...

The following organizations have provided substantial resources to the development of OpenSAML over the years.