Shibboleth Developer's Meeting, 2020-05-01
Call Administrivia
09:00 Central US / 10:00 Eastern US / 15:00 UK / 17:00 FI
Calls are normally the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month. Next call would be Friday 2020-05-15. Any reason to deviate from this?
60 to 90 minute call window.
Call DetailsThis week's call will use the Zoom system at GU, see ZoomGU for access info.
- Briefly: ok with reduced snapshot retention in Nexus?
- The latter is a tricky one. The solution to the latter may or may not involve the former.- Testbed - broken for me. Significant changes since we released 4.0?
investigating the status of GSSAPI support in the LDAPDataConnector. (I'll be late today.)

- A shared (abstract) flow metadata-lookup, serving authorize/token/userinfo endpoints
- Supports trusted RP resolution via SAML metadata and the "legacy" ClientInformationResolver (JSON)
- Uses SAMLPeerEntityContext - entityID statically set by an action earlier in the flow (unlike in SAML flows)
- Considering ways to avoid client secrets in the SAML metadata
- TODO: metadata-driven configuration, improving unit tests, ...
may actually be finished now.
early progress on project setup and testing. Focused on this now.
Potentially an agenda item. Do we want to start considering a patch?Two people tripped over this in 5 days
- Progress has been slow, but steady.
- Thanks for all the feedback,
- Currently trying to build a Nashorn provider plugin and will use that to build the plugin installer and drive the installer changes
- Nashorn is apparently gone from JDK15 Build 20
- Time to test (although that will all change depending on how and when we do IDP-1595
- Windows tests. When jenkins-master is over to ec2 I'll have run out of reasons to procrastinate
- Want to see whether the fact that the slave is no longer being probed on port22 by most of the world makes any difference
- But my suspicion is that is is some sort of deferred Windows Update nonsense sucking CPU
- Picked up a couple of cases from a customer via the support group.

- Remaining work: Jenkins, Nexus, mail config, migrating primary vhost, reactivating certbot
- If you have personal content, save it now
- Interesting IIS findings from list
- Spent a few hours playing with PrivacyIdea
- Jenkins EC2 Plugin broken in current version ??? argh
Nexus : crazy idea = don't migrate storage, upgrade to 3 and start clean; prob need a new Maven <repository> in parent POM