The Shibboleth developers are, from time to time, asked if we will publish our build artifacts to Maven Central. This page describes our position on the use of artifacts from, and on publishing artifacts to, Maven Central.

As a project we have a number of concerns with Maven Central, but there is a practical consideration that outweighs the rest: their terms of service preclude us as individual developers from uploading anything there because of their requirement for indemnification. We are not at present a legal organization and the activities of the project are not covered by any organization’s liability shield. None of us, as individuals, are willing to assume that liability personally. (The same issue applies to GitHub, by the way.)

There are some other considerations:

We realize that this creates an inconvenience for some projects, but we are not trying to cause you problems, this is simply the situation as it exists.

Should you choose to rely on any of our code, the instructions for doing so are under MavenRepositories.