Version Published Changed By Comment Actions
CURRENT (v. 15) Feb 17, 2020 12:55 minor terminology, metadata cleanup  
v. 14 Nov 04, 2019 15:33
v. 13 Nov 04, 2019 15:27
v. 12 Sept 04, 2019 09:41
v. 11 Sept 04, 2019 09:40 add example sp metadata
v. 10 Sept 04, 2019 09:34 Remove activation condition, talk about other attributes/identifiers
v. 9 Sept 04, 2019 08:29 Add mail attribute details
v. 8 Sept 04, 2019 06:19
v. 7 Sept 04, 2019 06:13
v. 6 Sept 04, 2019 06:12
v. 5 Sept 04, 2019 06:12
v. 4 Sept 04, 2019 06:11
v. 3 Sept 04, 2019 06:11 Initial draft of Adobe Creative Cloud SP guide
v. 2 Sept 04, 2019 05:21
v. 1 Sept 04, 2019 05:21

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