At this point, we don’t have much queued up for V4, but there are feature branches under development (or will be soon) for IdP V5.1 and minor updates to the major plugins still getting new features, and we are hoping for December releases for that work. These will not be be significant/huge updates, nothing on par with V4.1, which was very much an outlier.
The notable exception to the release being “fine” was that our Javadoc generation process turned out to have atrophied and wasn’t correct at the time of the release. A lot of time has been spent (during TechEx and since then) to get that cleaned up, design new approaches to managing the links between projects, and ultimately re-publish new copies of the Javadocs under a new home at https://shibboleth.net/api. We had a long-standing desire to dump the Maven site feature and stop using that to generate the Javadocs, but it has turned into a substantial project to get Maven to do it some other way, and we’re still working that out. These are the times “dump Maven” starts to sound very attractive, but we’re not quite there yet given the time that would take.