As a result, this topic is heavy on examples, and going beyond the examples is more a case of reading javadocs and finding the right settings than reading some documentation to magically impart the right answer.
General Configuration
A set of Spring factory beans are provided that understand how to build an HttpClient instance with a variety of features and settings. For technical reasons the basic caching behavior of the client is determined by selecting from among three different factory bean types:
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These properties are used in a set of DEPRECATED parent beans that are no longer supported due to a Spring bug that can impact the reloading of service configurations. They remain present for compatibility and for convenience should you choose to use them in your own bean definitions Name | Type | Default | Description |
idp.httpclient.useSecurityEnhancedTLSSocketFactory | Boolean | false | If true, causes the default clients to be injected with a special socket factory that supports advanced TLS features (requires substantial additional configuration) | idp.httpclient.connectionDisregardTLSCertificate | Boolean | false | If the previous property is false, this allows the default TLS behavior of the client to ignore the TLS server certificate entirely (use with obvious caution, typically only while testing) | idp.httpclient.connectionRequestTimeout | Duration | PT1M | TIme to wait for a connection to be returned from the pool (can be 0 for no imposed value) | idp.httpclient.connectionTimeout | Duration | PT1M | TIme to wait for a connection to be established (can be 0 for no imposed value) | idp.httpclient.socketTimeout | Duration | PT1M | Time to allow between packets on a connection (can be 0 for no imposed value) NOTE: This is NOT an aggregate timeout on the whole request but merely between packets. There is no aggregate request timeout at present as the Apache library doesn’t support it. | idp.httpclient.maxConnectionsTotal | Integer | 100 | Caps the number of simultaneous connections created by the pooling connection manager | idp.httpclient.maxConnectionsPerRoute | Integer | 100 | Caps the number of simultaneous connections per route created by the pooling connection manager | idp.httpclient.memorycaching.maxCacheEntries | Integer | 50 | Size of the in-memory result cache | idp.httpclient.memorycaching.maxCacheEntrySize | Long | 1048576 (1MB) | Largest size to allow for an in-memory cache entry | idp.httpclient.filecaching.maxCacheEntries | Integer | 100 | Size of the on-disk result cache | idp.httpclient.filecaching.maxCacheEntrySize | Long | 10485760 (10MB) | Largest sze to allow for an on-disk cache entry | idp.httpclient.filecaching.cacheDirectory | Local directory | | Location of on-disk cache |