- Prepare your Servlet container: Jetty 9, Jetty 7, Apache Tomcat, JBoss Tomcat, Glassfish
- Linux deployers may want to take a look at IdPLinuxNonRoot.
- Download the latest Identity Provider software package.
- Unzip the archive you downloaded: jar -xf shibboleth-identityprovider-VERSION-bin.zip
- Change into the newly created IdP distribution directory, shibboleth-identityprovider-VERSION
- Run either ./install.sh (on Unix systems) or install.bat(on Windows systems).
- The installation directory given during installation will be known as IDP_HOME throughout this document.
- Deploy the IdP WAR file, located in IDP_HOME/war/. See the Servlet container preparation notes for the best approach for doing this.
Details on how to take advantage of this feature, and an example of adding Head and Body content, are found at AddPostPageHeadBodyContent.