V4.1 includes properties to control various aspects of the flow's behavior using an internally-defined bean that may be overridden if required.
Localtabgroup |
Localtab live |
active | true Expand |
The general properties configuring this flow via admin/admin.properties are: Name | Default | Description |
idp.status.logging | Status | Audit log identifier for flow | idp.status.accessPolicy | AccessByIPAddress | Name of access control policy for request authorization | idp.status.authenticated | false | Whether authentication should be performed prior to access control evaluation | idp.status.nonBrowserSupported | false | Whether the flow should allow for non-browser clients during authentication | idp.status.resolveAttributes | false | Whether attributes should be resolved prior to access control evaluation |
localtab-live |
Expand |
title | Flow Descriptor XML (V4.1+) |
To replace the internally defined flow descriptor bean, the following XML is required: Code Block |
| <util:list id="shibboleth.AvailableAdminFlows">
<bean parent="shibboleth.AdminFlow"
p:resolveAttributes="%{idp.status.resolveAttributes:false}" />
</util:list> |
In older versions and upgraded systems, this list is defined in conf/admin/general-admin.xml. In V4.1+, no default version of the list is provided and it may simply be placed in conf/global.xml if needed. |