The formal release process is as follows:
Check in any uncommitted changes against the trunk.
Modify and check in Makefile and shibboleth-embedded-ds.spec with the updated version number of the release.
make dist
against the sources.Sign the tarball and create the md5 checksum file.
On a Windows host, run
from the build directory and rename the resulting file to match the tarball name except with a .zip extension.Sign the zipfile and create the md5 checksum file.
Upload the six resulting files to shibwww@shibboleth.net:/home/shibwww/html/downloads/embedded-discovery-service/version
Point the latest symlink at the new location.
Tag the trunk with the version number.
To build and publish RPMs:
Login to the build service at https://build.opensuse.org/project/show?project=security%3Ashibboleth
Create a new package called shibboleth-embedded-ds-version.
Upload the tarball and specfile as sources for the package.