Plan to submit grant proposal to GEANT for OpenID Fed work
Release schedule
Will do a 3.0.1 of OIDC commons to fix javadoc and allow a Duo release when it’s ready
The plugins will get done when they’re done
5.1 would be nice to get out by end of Feb but no particular urgency
Board updates
Jira Legacy server System JIRA serverId f52c7d31-6eab-3f0e-93c3-231b5754d506 key JCOMOIDC-95 Realized that those could not be customized with the JSON security configuration
Should we inherit clockSkew setting from security configuration?
Jira Legacy server System JIRA serverId f52c7d31-6eab-3f0e-93c3-231b5754d506 key JOIDC-191 xml-safe flag enabled by default → _ -prefixes in identifiers
Jira Legacy server System JIRA serverId f52c7d31-6eab-3f0e-93c3-231b5754d506 key JOIDC-186 JWT-format committed and tested
Jira Legacy server System JIRA serverId f52c7d31-6eab-3f0e-93c3-231b5754d506 key JCOMOIDC-96 TODO: wiring and tests for OP
Work on the GEANT proposal
Amazon Linux (2, 2023) and RHEL (7, 8, 9) image bumps
Starting to get oriented to the IdP with an eye toward SP testing
plexus-io-3.4.2 released with a key from a known individual.
Although no new release of maven-javadoc-plugin that uses that yet. And overriding versions non-trivial.
(As Ian noted) Should be easier to override a plugin dep version than exclude transitive dependencies.
- Some amendments to that.Jira Legacy server System JIRA serverId f52c7d31-6eab-3f0e-93c3-231b5754d506 key JDUO-82 Strategy to release commons 3.0.1. Happy to do this if the email makes sense. Release stuff already on the agenda.
Jira Legacy server System JIRA serverId f52c7d31-6eab-3f0e-93c3-231b5754d506 key JOIDCRP-53 My fault, but I should have put those two user-controlled files into oidc-config.
Need to think about versions, compatibility, updates etc.
Jira Legacy server System JIRA serverId f52c7d31-6eab-3f0e-93c3-231b5754d506 key JWEBAUTHN-1 2FA flow working. Off logic that needs review
Usernameless flow working.
Passwordless flow in progress
Working on username input
Then, integration into Storage API.