Shibboleth Developer's Meeting, June 28, 2012
Attendees: Rod Widdowson, Ian Young, Scott Cantor, Jim Fox, Tom Zeller, Paul Hethmon, Nate Klingenstien, Daniel Fisher
Infrastructure Update
Currently Migrated
- LDAP, IdP, Nexus
- nexus on new hostname
Weekend Outage Post-mortem
- IdP and SVN became inaccessible
- Problem was bad OpenLDAP ACL
- MX records disappeared
- bug in GoDaddy UI triggered by adding A records and adjusting TTL of MX records
Upcoming Migrations
- IdP to new hostname
- all set up and metadata changed - just using a temp file for our SPs at the moment
- just waiting for A record change
- Website
- Everything copied over and deployment script working
- Just waiting for A record change
- Mailing list
- prelim work has been done
- just need to adjust mail configuration
- waiting to hear back from Scott L (Uni Edinburgh mail manager)
- need to think about anti-span setup - probably need to do this
- Confluence
- alternative 1: move things as is and upgrade to 3.5
- alternative 2: upgrade to 4.1 - requires transitioning through some intermediate version
- looks like alternative 2 should work, we'll try that and check in in two weeks
- we're about at the EOL of 3.x release cycle
- 4.1 editor isn't nearly as bad as we feared
- new markup is based on xhtml - should help if we ever need to move off
- Jira
- way behind on upgrades
- Jim may have plugin for latest Jira
OpenSAML Update
- Brent on holiday until July 10th
- Working on new SAML encoders and decoders
- Basic functionality is complete
- Some additional refactoring to make full use of the new APIs remains
- Need to determine remaining set of work
IdP Update
- completed and staged
- Rod generating MSI tomorrow or Saturday
- Will be announced on Monday
Async SLO
- SLO protocol extension that indicates the IdP doesn't need to respond to the SP
- Guarantees the IdP owns the UI and provides more freedom in processing the SLO request
- Work started in OASIS, should have a draft spec by next SSTC meeting in two weeks
- Extension for IdP v2 to that only destroys the IdP session
- see how much work it would be to fire off back-channel request
- Chad: hashing through authentication APIs, main focus on method selection
- Tom: getting up to speed on web flow
- Tom: working on project module that will generate the IdP WAR file
SP Update
Work Left on 2.5
- Work is mostly complete and people have been testing the installer
- Installer seems to be in good shape - updating seems to work as well
- no upgrade support from existing SPs - will just require an uninstall and new install
- we think we can release patches for dependencies as well (e.g., openssl)
- Option Items:
- Async SLO support
- Something in the metadata generator to populate algorithm strings
- existing runtime algo selection support in the SP should make this relatively easy
- Close out some existing bugs after more testing
- Release
- another beta in two weeks
- need to release update of Santaurio library
- final release at end of July
Red Hat 5 is going to be supported until 2017: implications?
- some libraries are already really old and contain bugs (e.g., libcurl DNS caching bug)
- Scott uncomfortable depending on these older libs - we have ability to override libs with new releases
- SP 2.5 might use new libs - Scott will raise this on the dev list
Project Roadmap
Additional items
- nexus PGP signature checking plugin
- Jira remote user authentication plugin
- Tiqr Review
- Rescope MDA 1.0 to exclude web service interface
- Committers should send any additional items to the committers list so we can get them on the roadmap
- no guidance from existing board
- new board in place in August so we should be prepared to offer our opinion at the first meeting
- some problem in translating Internet2 assumptions to statements to the board
- major concerns about time we're spending on the infrastructure
- need to have a better plan for IdPv3 especially expected release timeframe
- Scott will send a note to the committers list outlining what information he needs to prepare a proposal to the new board
Connection Information
Time: 15:30 UTC