The shibboleth.authn.IPAddress.Transforms bean allows for address transformations before comparing them to the address ranges, essentially a kind of on-the-fly address translation. A transform is a Pair object containing a regular expression and a replacement expression.
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The beans defined in authn/ipaddress-authn-config.xml follow: Bean ID / Type | Default | Description |
shibboleth.authn.IPAddress.Mappings Map<String,List<IPRange>> | Empty map | The entry values are a list of CIDR address range strings to map to the username in the entry key | shibboleth.authn.IPAddress.Transforms List<Pair<String,String>> | | Pairs of regular expressions and replacement expressions to apply to the IP address | shibboleth.authn.IPAddress.resultCachingPredicate Predicate<ProfileRequestContext> | | An optional bean that can be defined to control whether to preserve the authentication result in an IdP session | shibboleth.authn.IPAddress.ClassifiedMessageMap Map<String,Collection<String>> | Remaps NoCredentials and InvalidCredentials into ReselectFlow for fall-through behavior | Optional remapping of exception messages or events into specific Spring Web Flow events, very rarely needed with this flow |