Ian Young : With separate
modules, can we consider nuking the-test
JARs and their Javadoc?Scott Cantor : Ratify decision to make NonnullElements implied default and use NullableElements annotation for exceptions? Should we consider NonnullAfterPreInvoke and NonnnullAfterPreExecute to clean up actions and handlers?
Tom Zeller : Bump Maven to 3.9.1 and Surefire plugin to 3.0.0 – sound ok ?
External request for discussion of the challenges of supporting FIDO
Nothing to report
Jira Legacy server System JIRA serverId f52c7d31-6eab-3f0e-93c3-231b5754d506 key JCOMOIDC-41 The same complete JWT security tests are now used for testing request objects too - one more bug was found regarding the exclusion of decryption algorithms
The logic should be stable and well tested now
Jira Legacy server System JIRA serverId f52c7d31-6eab-3f0e-93c3-231b5754d506 key JOIDC-142 OP now exploits the new OIDC.SSO profile options: useRequestObject, signRequestObject and encryptRequestObject
TODO: document the combinations
Jira Legacy server System JIRA serverId f52c7d31-6eab-3f0e-93c3-231b5754d506 key JOIDC-147 Managed to get the script working against my test instance, see: /wiki/spaces/DEV/pages/3187376129
Ideally this should be integrated to the integration tests
For the next release:
Jira Legacy server System JIRA serverId f52c7d31-6eab-3f0e-93c3-231b5754d506 key JOIDC-144 Jira Legacy server System JIRA serverId f52c7d31-6eab-3f0e-93c3-231b5754d506 key JOIDC-149 Jira Legacy server System JIRA serverId f52c7d31-6eab-3f0e-93c3-231b5754d506 key JOIDC-150
Jira Legacy server System JIRA serverId f52c7d31-6eab-3f0e-93c3-231b5754d506 key SSPCPP-972 If we enable an optional, build-time option feature on one supported platform, should we enable it on all supported platforms, or only upon request?
Jira Legacy server System JIRA serverId f52c7d31-6eab-3f0e-93c3-231b5754d506 key SSPCPP-969 Slowly getting my head around the nuances of SPEC files