Apologies, offline today
Will continue finishing and testing the new security configuration next week together with Phil
SoW renewed for 2023 as of 2023-01-19
No new updates.
Next up: check for Docker image updates; work on “make clean”; and continue Jenkins-izing the SP build scripts.
Commons 2.2.0 seems to work fine in a running IdP 4.2.0. So maybe we can leave the versions on that.
- Possibly done. Probably still a bit more on the OP side to check.Jira Legacy server System JIRA serverId f52c7d31-6eab-3f0e-93c3-231b5754d506 key JCOMOIDC-60
- I wanted to make this change before the RP was built.Jira Legacy server System JIRA serverId f52c7d31-6eab-3f0e-93c3-231b5754d506 key JCOMOIDC-62
- I think these just need changing.Jira Legacy server System JIRA serverId f52c7d31-6eab-3f0e-93c3-231b5754d506 key JCOMOIDC-61 Tracking down a bug. Which I believe is in the Nimbus code. Issue raised. https://bitbucket.org/connect2id/oauth-2.0-sdk-with-openid-connect-extensions/issues/412/truncation-issue-in-secretkeyderivation
Bugs in the certification suite (not really that important):
per last call need to create JIRAs for the IdP installer to :
“warn” about updating plugins first before the IdP
“warn” about plugin collisions
“update” page for the IdP displaying whether the IdP and/or plugins have updates available
will add our Maven snapshot repo to pluginRepositories <pluginRepositories> in Jenkins agent settings.xml
might should use a git repo to store settings.xml and authorized_keys, etc.
consider using a script to check out the repo at instance launch
link to creating Javadoc w/o using site, would probably need to script scp