This week's call will use the Zoom system at GU, see ZoomGU for access info.
Jenkins / LDAP
Java socket server: Not much progress since last meeting, due to start-of-semester work. Looking at the best way amongst several possible approaches to marry the DDF protocol code to these components.
First thoughts on this: a new configuration property for a function that feeds profile configurations
A lesson learned from the incompatibilities with the legacy tokens: make sure that the endpoints can handle prefix-configuration changes
The prefix approach doesn’t work with the JWT access tokens (JOIDC-7)
The admin-flow approach (input: JSON, output: token compatible with some profile) could be useful in other parts too → Trying to make the structure generic
The first functional PoC progressing
Heads up: Maven 3.8.2 is broken: https://shibboleth.atlassian.net/browse/JPAR-185
Initial details for Spring 6 have been announced: https://spring.io/blog/2021/09/02/a-java-17-and-jakarta-ee-9-baseline-for-spring-framework-6
Short fluffy talk at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0-IhAKnkWM covers most of the following
Java 17 baseline, will also support next two LTS after that (Java 23 and 29 in 2024 and 2027 respectively) (Spring 5 will not go beyond Java 17).
Jakarta EE 9 baseline, implying
namespace change from
Tomcat 10, Jetty 11 baseline
The talks from Spring One (incl. Juergen Hoeller’s deeper dive on Spring 6) will be available 2021-09-07 at SpringOne.
GA 2022 Q4
M1 2021 Q4, i.e., in a couple of months. In principle, we could start a feature branch for Spring 6 at this point, or in general branch for v5. (Hibernate or some other dependency might be a sticking point; beta of next version of Hibernate expected in 2022).
What about Spring Web Flow? I assume that’s Servlet-dependent and therefore won’t work vs.
APIs as it stands.
Preliminary success getting Jenkins to produce Docker images
Continuing to investigate options/techniques for combining Docker, Jenkins, AWS
Not around for the call.
Still this https://shibboleth.atlassian.net/browse/JCOMOIDC-23
Still chasing up Hibernate
Probably need to make it into a verify plugin.
See no value in an end user program (“use this jar you downloaded to see if these jars you downloaded are safe”).
Complete the Nashorn Plugin V1.1
Now using JDK
But the GraalVM one also works
Some feedback on MetadataGen. So ready for release
Bug squashing:
Note - properties in documentation but not in the properties file
Wiki conversion
Jira down as of this AM
Working on /wiki/spaces/DEV/pages/2764865554
Started building and testing new Rocky 8 server and documenting that under /wiki/spaces/DEV/pages/2780070020
Having issues with the server locking up, still doing A/B testing to pin down the cause