We also supply public implementations of this interface such that the logic can be supplied via a script or via a Spring Expression, avoiding the overhead of creating a new Java class in a separate jarextension library.
Use Cases
Some of the advanced uses you might have for this feature include:
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Code Block |
| <!-- A script that checks a Relying Party name -->
<bean id="MyCondition" parent="shibboleth.Conditions.Scripted" factory-method="inlineScript">
"use strict";
var result = false;
// an implementation of Predicate<ProfileRequestContext>
// The IdP environment provides two variables "profileContext" and "custom".
// profileContext is of type org.opensaml.profile.context.ProfileRequestContext
// custom is whatever you injected
// The value of the last statement in this function is the reurn value
var id = "https://sp.example.com/shibboleth"; // an entityID
// specify the child context of the root ProfileRequestContext
if (profileContext!== null) {
// check the entityID of the relying party
var subcontext = profileContext.getSubcontext("net.shibboleth.idp.profile.context.RelyingPartyContext");
if (subcontext !== null) {
result = subcontext.getRelyingPartyId().equals(id);
</bean> |
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title | Spring Expression Example |
Code Block |
| <!-- A Spring Expression that checks a Relying Party name -->
<bean id="MyCondition" parent="shibboleth.Conditions.Expression">
</bean> |
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title | Relying Party By Tag |
Code Block |
| <!-- Tag condition -->
<bean id="MyCondition" parent="shibboleth.Conditions.EntityDescriptor">
<constructor-arg name="pred">
<bean classparent="net.shibboleth.idp.saml.profile.logic.MappedEntityAttributesPredicateConditions.MappedEntityAttributes">
<bean classparent="org.opensaml.saml.common.profile.logic.EntityAttributesPredicate.Candidateshibboleth.TagCandidate"
p:values="#{{ 'http://refeds.org/category/research-and-scholarship', 'http://example.org/mycategory' }}" />
</bean> |
Code Block |
<bean id="MyCondition" class="org.opensaml.profile.logic.IPRangePredicate"
p:ranges="#{ {'', ''} }" /> |
See this link for more details
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title | Attribute Checking Examples |
Code Block |
| <!-- Check for a particular entitlement -->
<bean classparent="net.shibboleth.idp.profile.logic.SimpleAttributePredicateConditions.SimpleAttribute" p:useUnfilteredAttributes="true">
<property name="attributeValueMap">
<entry key="entitlement">
<!-- Check that an eduPersonPrincipalName exists -->
<bean classparent="net.shibboleth.idp.profile.logic.SimpleAttributePredicateConditions.SimpleAttribute">
<property name="attributeValueMap">
<entry key="eppn">
</bean> |
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title | Specific Relying Party AND Client Address Range |
Code Block |
| <!-- An AND checking for both an SP and a network address -->
<bean id="MyCondition" parent="shibboleth.Conditions.AND">
<bean parent="shibboleth.Conditions.RelyingPartyId" c:candidate="https://sp.example.com/shibboleth" />
<bean class="org.opensaml.profile.logic.IPRangePredicate"
p:ranges="" />
</bean> |