The following attributes apply to the HTTP connections obtained and managed by an HTTP metadata provider: Name | Type | Default | Description |
connectionRequestTimeout | Duration | Depends on provider type | The maximum amount of time to wait for a connection to be returned from the HTTP client's connection pool manager. Set to PT0S to disable. | connectionTimeout | Duration | Depends on provider type | The maximum amount of time to wait to establish a connection with the remote server. Set to PT0S to disable. | socketTimeout | Duration | Depends on provider type | The maximum amount of time to wait between two consecutive packets while reading from the socket connected to the remote server. Set to PT0S to disable. NOTE: This is NOT an aggregate timeout on the whole request but merely between packets. There is no aggregate request timeout at present as the Apache library doesn’t support itFor that responseTimeout is available, starting in 5.2. | responseTimeout 5.2 | Duration | Depends on provider type | The maximum amount of time to wait until a response from the remote server. Set to PT0S to disable. |